(KZN.RU, February 26). Due to the high birth rate and external inflow, the population of the capital of Tatarstan in 2018 was 1 million 251 thousand people, 21% of them are children under 16 years old. Ilsur Metshin, the Mayor of Kazan, reported about the demographic achievements today during the work of the reporting session of the Kazan City Duma.
A significant excess of the birth rate over mortality by 1.6 times allowed Kazan to be classified as a steadily developing city. The capital of Tatarstan is the leader among the cities of the Volga Federal District in terms of this indicator, and in the ranking of million-population cities Kazan leads in the number of births per 1000 inhabitants, said the Mayor.
“From year to year, Kazan is becoming a more comfortable city. We have kindergartens, schools, universities, healthcare facilities, and opportunities for career and cultural growth. Thanks to this, citizens confidently look to the future, create families, and gives birth to children”, said the Mayor.
Over the past year, more than 21 thousand babies were born in Kazan. Despite a slight decline in the birth rate, 2.3 times more children are born in Kazan today than in 2000. From 1994 to 1998, no more than ten thousand babies were born in the city every year. 20 years ago, the historic minimum birth rate was recorded in Kazan, when less than 9 thousand children were born. And only from the beginning of the 2000s, the birth rate began to increase. Since 2010, Kazan has been setting demographic records for seven years.
“Now parents are representatives of a small generation of the 90s. That is why for the last 2 years we have witnessed a slight drop in the birth rate in the city”, explained the Mayor.
Over the past years, the structure of births has changed in the direction of increasing the second and subsequent children, whereas previously the majority were first children.
“In his address to the Federal Assembly, Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, outlined the common task of saving the people: to achieve natural population growth by 2023-2024. I am sure that with such unprecedented support of the institute of motherhood, childhood and family, this task could be accomplished”, concluded the Mayor.