Ilsur Metshin, Mayor of Kazan, President of the World Organization United
Cities and Local Governments and the UN Advisory Committee of Local Authorities
(UNACLA), spoke via videoconference at a meeting of the regional branch of the
UCLG Middle East and West Asia Section (MEWA).
Ilsur Metshin noted that the Eurasian branch implements a large number of
joint projects with UCLG-MEWA. “We feel closely connected by historical and
cultural ties, as well as economic relations”, - he noted.
“The subject of the meeting is very close and clear to me (“Restructuring
the regional vision: towards an interconnected future” – ed. note), - I.Metshin
said. – We have common tasks: we want our cities to be well-maintained,
comfortable, safe and friendly. For this, we need to develop a clear action plan,
develop new strategies, which we need to do during the meetings. With the
support of the UCLG-MEWA regional office, its members are increasingly involved
in the process of preparing voluntary local reports on the implementation of
the Sustainable Development Goals”.
The Mayor noted that due to coronavirus, people around the world are
increasingly dependent on each other. In the current situation, all UCLG
members should support international cooperation.
“Such visiting meetings contribute to ensuring synergy between its members
and stakeholders, as well as planning activities to respond more effectively to
regional and global challenges”, - he said.
Ilsur Metshin emphasized that the ideas and proposals that emerged during
the upcoming sessions will form the basis of the strategic priorities of the
The World Organization United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) brings
together more than 240,000 municipalities, regions and metropolitan cities from
140 UN countries. The UCLG consists of 7 regional branches, a branch of metropolitan
cities and regions.