Over 720,000 tons
of snow have been removed in Kazan since the beginning of the winter period.
Almost 9 thousand tons of snow are disposed of daily at the snow melting
facilities, but this is not enough. The Mayor of Kazan Ilsur Metshin during a meeting
at the snow melting station on Nesmelova Street gave instructions to build
additional snow melting chambers.
“Seven snow
melting stations with 11 chambers have been built in Kazan for snow disposal,
but 12 more snow melting chambers are needed for timely snow removal, - Ilsur
Metshin noted. – It is planned to build four chambers, which will allow timely
removal of snow from the central streets of the city.”
Andrey Egorov,
director of the MUE Vodokanal, reported that it is also necessary to modernize
the station on Nesmelova Street by building an additional receiving chamber,
which will increase the volume of disposed snow by 600 tons per day, bringing
the total productivity of the station to 1,200 tons.
Presently, more
than 60% of the removed snow comes to the stations, the rest goes to
specialized landfills. “We are faced with the issue of storing snow, there is
practically no free territory for this,”- explained the Committee of Land Improvement
of the Executive Committee of Kazan.
Now it takes
about 2 minutes to process 5 tons of snow. The director of the MUE Vodokanal
noted that the new chambers will significantly speed up the time of unloading
snow, as well as simplify the technical work. “For the smooth operation of the
station, we carry out the necessary scheduled maintenance once every six weeks,
but due to the large amount of snow this year, we carry them out once a week,”-
said Andrey Egorov.
In 2022,
together with the MUE Vodokanal, additional sites will be identified for the
construction of two snow melting stations with a capacity of 1,700 tons per day
each. After choosing a location and upon receipt of funding, it is planned to
start developing design estimate documentation.
of outdoor sewage stations is also necessary for smooth water drainage. “After melting
snow, a large amount of water is formed, which directly enters the storm sewer,
- the Committee for External Improvement noted. - In 2021, contracts were
signed for the repair of emergency sections of storm sewers on Nesmelova st.,
Dekabristov st. and Krasnokokshayskaya st., as well as for the removal of storm
water networks on Serova Street".