Public spaces of Kazan are recognized as the most well-maintained and comfortable in Russia
Denis Gordiyko
Kazan public
spaces, along with the green areas of Moscow and Krasnodar, are recognized as
the most well-maintained and comfortable in Russia. The survey among the
residents of the country was conducted by the research center of
portal. Nine thousand people who visited recreation areas in recent months took
part in the survey.
“We are pleased that the residents expressed appreciation of our work. The
portal compiled ratings based on the reviews of residents of cities that
recognized Kazan parks as the most well-maintained in Russia. Of course, we are
doing all this not for ratings, but for Kazan residents, nevertheless, it is
very pleasant to hear such an assessment throughout the country”, - Ilsur
Metshin, the Mayor of Kazan, said today at Business Monday.
The average rating of Kazan was 3.9 points out of 5. According to the
comments of the respondents, most of the residents enjoyed visiting the Gorky Park
and Gorkinsko-Ometyevsky forest.