I.Metshin was re-elected Vice-Chair of the Current Affairs Committee of the Council of Europe
Marat Muginov
Speaking at a meeting of the Current Affairs Committee during the plenary session of the congress, the Mayor of Kazan voiced several important issues. One of them is the peaceful coexistence of representatives of different cultures and peoples. In 2019, the Congress delegation noted that the practices used in the capital of Tatarstan for the development of cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue can serve as a good example for many European countries.
I. Metshin outlined a strong youth policy at the local level as one of the priorities, which is the key to ensuring the sustainability of democracies.
At the end of the report, Ilsur Metshin took the initiative to hold a meeting of the Current Affairs Committee in Kazan, and emphasized the intention to invite young delegates of the Congress at the International Youth Forum, which was postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic.
The Mayor of Kazan has been a member of the Current Affairs Committee of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe since 2016. The Congress is an advisory body of the Council of Europe, which includes representatives of local and regional authorities of the member States of the Council of Europe.
Besides Ilsur Metshin, the head of the Enfield district of London (Great Britain), Joanne Laban, a member of the State Council of the canton of Thurgau (Switzerland), Cornelia Komposch, a member of the Regional Council of Attica (Greece), Rena Dourou, and member of the Regional Council of the Pilsen district (Czech Republic), Radka Trylkova, took the positions of vice-chairs.