The meeting of the Council of the Eurasian branch of
the World Organization “United Cities and Local Governments” (UCLG) was held
today by Ilsur Metshin, Mayor of Kazan and President of the UN Advisory
Committee on Local Authorities (UNACLA). The meeting was held online and
brought together representatives of 27 cities.
“This year was very tough for us. The world is facing
an unprecedented situation. This also affected the UCLG's Eurasian division.
The cities of our division stand firm in the fight for the life and health of
their residents. However, the pandemic has claimed the lives of many people,
including active members of our organization”, - Ilsur Metshin said, opening
the meeting and expressing his condolences to family members of deceased.
The President of the UCLG's Eurasian branch noted that
the COVID-19 pandemic forced to adjust plans and adapt to the conditions of
significant restrictions. But the time of challenges opens up new
opportunities. “By remaining a team and helping each other, we can become
stronger and get out of the crisis at a qualitatively new level of development.
Challenging times will pass, but we will remain our resilience and experience,”-
he noted.
The UCLG Eurasian division remains an active and
influential player in the implementation of the global agenda. As Ilsur Metshin
noted, during the preparation of the UCLG report on the vision of the desired
future by 2045, members of the regional organization highlighted the preservation
of historical memory, support and development of suburbs and small towns, as
well as improving the environmental situation among the crucial growth points.
“As the President of the Eurasian branch of UCLG and
UNACLA, it is very important for me that we share experience and best practices
in the implementation of the SDG. Most of them cannot be implemented without
the participation of cities. Sustainable Development Goal 3 is becoming
particularly relevant in the current conditions: “Ensure healthy lives and
promote well-being for all at all ages”, - said I.Metshin and offered as part
of online meetings to share best practices in the area of sustainability in the
context of the pandemic.
The experience of their cities was shared by the
Chairman of the Moscow City Duma Alexey Shaposhnikov, Deputy mayor of
Nur-Sultan Nurlan Nurkenov and Vice-mayor of Bishkek Aizhan Chynybayeva.