Ilsur Metshin, Kazan Mayor, President of the UN
Advisory Committee of Local Authorities (UNACLA), took part in an online ministerial-
level dialogue with local and regional authorities to strengthen coordination
of the Paris Climate Agreement. He made a report in which he noted that cities
today produce more than 60% of greenhouse gas emissions, so action to combat
climate change at the level of regional and local authorities is of particular
The meeting, which was held via videoconference, was
attended by more than 200 representatives of relevant ministries and members of
the World Organization United Cities and Local Governments. (UCLG).
This year marks 5 years since the signing of the Paris
Climate Agreement, Ilsur Metshin reminded. “Today, I am even more convinced
that the Paris Agreement can and should become the main force that can
consolidate actions to combat the causes of climate change and stop the growth
of greenhouse gas emissions”, - he said.
Local and regional authorities are actively involved
in combating climate change. Today, 70% of the world's population lives in
cities. cities contribute significantly to climate change, since they consume
78% of the world's energy resources and produce more than 60% of greenhouse gas
emissions, I.Metshin said.
Improving the ecology must begin with an awareness of
the need to implement specific projects on site. Therefore, the solution to
climate change is a rethinking of the way of planning, construction, management
and living in our cities, I.Metshin notes. He suggested that in the current
context of the coronavirus pandemic, ecotourism should be considered as an
alternative recreation for the human population, as well as a measure to reduce
emissions and reduce the impact on nature.
“To achieve a better future, it is necessary to
cooperate and implement reforms at all levels and in all sectors of society, - the
Mayor of Kazan said in conclusion. – It is very important to meet, exchange
views and best practices on stopping climate change. Implementing the Paris Agreement
points will help make our planet cleaner and the world a better place”.