August 11). Ilsur Metshin, the Mayor of Kazan, congratulated residents of the
capital of Tatarstan on the holiday of Eid al-Adha.
“Dear Kazan
With all my
heart, I congratulate you on the holy holiday of Eid al-Adha!
holiday, marking the completion of the Muslim pilgrimage to ancient shrines, is
an integral part of the rich heritage of our people and recalls the true moral
values of Islam.
Like many
centuries ago, Eid al-Adha calls for mercy and mutual respect. Trying to follow
the Quran and performing the prescribed ceremonies, we carefully preserve the
customs and traditions of this holiday and pass them from generation to
generation. Each of us contributes to the strengthening of good neighborliness
and friendship between peoples living in the multinational and
multiconfessional capital of the RT.
I believe
that the Muslims of our city set an example to others on humanity and moral
purity. They will continue to sacredly honor the values of Islam and strive to
ensure that Kazan, developing and prosperous, remains a city of peace and harmony.
Let this
bright holiday bring warmth and joy, prosperity and mutual understanding to
your homes and families!” said the greeting.