July 1, Alena Miroshnichenko). For the third time, the capital of Tatarstan
will hold a contest “Kazan is the city of happy families”. It will be held on
the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Loyalty, which has been celebrated in
the country on July 8for the past 13 years. Rimma Minnullina, the head of the
Civil Registry Office, spoke in more detail about the upcoming event at the
regular staff meeting at the Kazan Executive Committee.
In honor of
the main family holiday of the country, the Civil Registry Office and the
Committee on Children and Youth Affairs together with the Pushkin Center for
Russian Culture and Language and the Center for Motherhood Protection
“Umilenie” will organize a large family festival on July 8. An activity area
for children will be organized in the lobby of the Center of Russian Culture
and Language of A. Pushkin, which opened in Kazan on June 6. It will include
master classes on modeling and needlework, face paint and animation. A thematic
photo zone will also be installed there; a charity fair will be launched. And
competitions for the title of an intellectual, sports, and creative family will
take place on the stage.
Minnullina marked that the purpose of the contest “Kazan is a city of happy
families” is to popularize the values of family culture. It means to foster in
the youth environment a positive attitude towards family and marriage, to
promote and enhance the social prestige of family lifestyle and responsible
parenthood. Any family can take part in the competition. By the way, today on
July 1, is the last day for accepting applications that can be submitted online
in the prescribed form to the post office 2375992@bk.ru. The head of the Kazan
Registry Office invited colleagues and citizens to support the competition.
“All participants will be awarded a certificate. The nominees and winners will
receive diplomas, valuable prizes and gifts from partners of the competition”,
she said.
Minnullina reminded that the competition would be held in three categories. The
finalists in the nomination “Intellectual Family” will be determined on July 6 at
6 pm in the Kazan Youth Center named after A. Gaidar. There will be a quiz game
on the knowledge of family traditions of the different peoples, as well as
facts from the life of historical dynasties of Tatarstan and Russia.
On July 7
at 11 am, finalists will be determined in the nomination “Sports Family”
according to the results of the competition “Merry Starts” in the park
“Sosnovaya Roscha” near the HoC “Khimikov”.
The winners
in the most spectacular nomination “Creative Family” will be determined on the
Day of Family, Love and Loyalty at the Pushkin Center of Russian Culture and
Language. Participants will have to present their creative family business
“By the
tradition, the culmination of the event will be the ceremonial awarding the
public Russian Federation Award “For love and loyalty” to 12 public couples who
have been married for more than 25 years”, said the speaker. Among the
awardees, R. Minnullina named the large family of Rauf and Rezida
Garafutdinovs. The head of the family, a participant in the liquidation of the
accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. His wife was awarded the medal
“Ana Dany – Maternal Glory” for the decent upbringing of five children. It is a
distinction of the highest degree of motherhood in Tatarstan. The family of
Yury and Valentina Morozovs, representatives of the labor dynasty of the Elecon
Plant, will also be celebrated. The total work experience of this dynasty,
which has more than 20 people, is 491 years. The medal “For Love and Loyalty”
will be awarded to the family of Azat Khalimov, an Honored Artist of the RT,
and Zukhra Khalimova, a People’s Artist of the RT. This year, they celebrate 35
years of marriage.
Minnullina invited all residents and guests of the city to join the celebration
of the Day of Family, Love and Loyalty. It will begin on July 8 at 4.30 pm in
the Pushkin Center of Russian Culture and Language.
“We live in
a country where family values have an unshakable foundation. It is essential to
cultivate them, talk about exemplary families, as well as hold such contests
and participate in them”, said Ilsur Metshin, the Mayor of Kazan. He encouraged
colleagues also to join the event.
competition is nice and new; we will support it. And I would like its name to
become prophetic, that we should be a city where family values are supported
and where the happiest families live”, concluded the Mayor.