June 18, Alena Miroshnichenko). The improvement concept of Yunusovskaya Square
and the boulevard on Fatkullin Street was presented today to Ilsur Metshin, the
Mayor of Kazan. Both spaces are part of the Staro-Tatarskaya Sloboda and have
important historical significance.
The revival
of Yunusovskaya Square is a tribute to the Staro-Tatarskaya Sloboda and the
history of Kazan, marked Ilsur Metshin. Yunusovskaya Square has lost its
features over time. It is proposed to be made an integral public space
emphasizing its historical features. After improvement, the boulevard on
Fatkullin Street will open access to the Kaban Lake embankment for citizens and
tourists, according to the new concept.
Prokofieva, the main architect of Kazan, said that the development of the
concept of Yunusovskaya Square began even before the celebration of Kazan’s
Millennium. “We have been talking for many years that it is necessary. Certain
things need to be corrected there, we need to make the space comfortable for
tourists, but at the same time to preserve the atmosphere of the
Staro-Tatarskaya Sloboda. This place is very symbolic for the Tatars”, she
Square is an example of an Islamic four-part garden, which is based on the
principle “chor-bak”, which is Arabic for “four gardens”. In Kazan, this
territory is divided by the Fatykh Karim and Gabdulla Tukay streets into 4
small green spaces. Historically, each of the parts of the square had its name.
However, this separation was lost over time, but the project involves a return
to the traditional idea of the garden. According to the proposed concept, the
four squares will be given the following names: Small Garden, Garden of Love,
Shady Garden, and Blooming Garden. There will be an alley with a street art
gallery, a fountain and walking areas.
“First of
all, the concept is designed to structure the territory, because today all 4
squares have a different configuration. Their original geometric forms have
changed. We need to align them and make a neat, solid and comfortable space.
Also, we want to emphasize eastern architecture with the help of design tools:
paving stones, identity, benches”, said Daria Tolovenkova, the deputy chief
architect of Kazan, the head of the creative team that develops the concept.
The concept
provides for the elimination of existing problems in the area. One of them is
parking. Tatiana Prokofieva proposed to abandon them at the intersection
dividing the square. “Due to the fact that the territory is divided by parking
in all sides, the feeling of the common space is lost. I wish people would come
here and enjoy the real Muslim garden”, she said.
The Mayor
of Kazan supported the initiative of the chief architect of the city,
specifying that the parking lots could be distributed throughout the territory
of the adjacent neighborhood. “We need to make people walk here, enjoy the
architecture of the Staro-Tatarskaya Sloboda, see the beauty of the surrounding
buildings, the houses of Shamil, Apanaevs, Bakhteevs. In general, Yunusovskaya
Square is a key point, the heart of the Staro-Tatarskaya Sloboda, this is our
history. Reviving the park is a tribute to the history of Kazan. I believe that
not only tourists, but many Kazan citizens have never been here. We will
open new territories for visiting and leisure activities”, he said and instructed
to develop a full project.
This year the accomplishment of the first part of
Yunusovskaya Square is planned: the Blooming Garden. According to Igor
Kulyazhev, the deputy head of the Executive Committee and the chairman of the
Committee for External Improvement, funding for this sector is provided in the
amount of 20 million rubles.
The boulevard on Fatkullin Street, another object of
improvement in the territory of the Staro-Tatarskaya Sloboda, having its
historical structure, eventually turned into a roadway technical part. D.
Tolovenkova noted that production facilities are located here, access to the
Kaban Embankment is limited, although historically it was provided. The concept
of improvement of the boulevard will help to connect the territory, to restore
communication with the embankment, to solve the problem with the parking of
trucks and unsafe pedestrian crossings. “There is an asphalted pedestrian part,
today it needs to be refined”, explained T. Prokofieva. The Mayor instructed
the chairman of the Committee r External Improvement to begin work on reuniting
Fatkullin Street from the embankment of Kaban Lake and promised to inspect the
street personally.
Marat Usmanov, the prefect of the territory “Stary Gorod”,
Zhanna Belitskaya, the main artist of Kazan, and others also took part in the