May 17, Alena Miroshnichenko). Today, Ilsur Metshin, the Mayor of Kazan, the
chairman of the Association of Volga Cities (AVC), raised the topic of
emergency housing and cultural heritage at the meeting of the District Advisory
Council for the development of local self-government under the Plenipotentiary
Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal
District. The Mayor of Kazan proposed to provide targeted funding from the
federal and regional budgets for the restoration of cultural heritage objects
after resettlement.
Metshin told colleagues about the experience of Kazan in solving the issue of
eliminating emergency housing and resettlement of city residents. In
particular, about the unprecedented program for the elimination of dilapidated
housing, initiated by Mintimer Shaimiev, the first President of the RT. Thanks
to that program, more than 33 thousand families moved to comfortable housing in
the city, 315 apartment buildings were built and settled.
the problem of eliminating emergency and dilapidated housing was still not
fully resolved. In 2013, a new program was approved, which included 89
emergency houses where nearly 1600 families lived”, said the Mayor. He noted
that for many cities, the complexity of resettlement and the implementation of
a program to eliminate emergency housing lies in the availability of cultural
heritage objects, which are protected by the state and prohibited for
The program
finances only the resettlement of such houses. Their following restoration
requires separate and very serious funds. Including them in the overhaul
program is impossible under the terms of federal law №185-FZ.
Metshin made a proposal on the need to provide targeted funding from the
federal and regional budgets for the restoration of cultural heritage objects
after resettlement. “For this, we need a decision at the federal level.
Monuments break every day, and they cannot be restored by the forces of
municipalities”, said the Mayor of Kazan.
He also
mentioned the topic of determining the cost of housing. I. Metshin noted spoke
of federal monitoring of the average market cost of housing in the context of
the capitals of the subjects, designed to determine the size of the cost of one
square meter during the resettlement of citizens, within the framework of the
Federal Law “On the Housing and Communal Services Reform Fund”.
question is quite acute for other cities, in particular Penza, as Viktor
Kuvaytsev, the head of the city administration, told about. “When implementing
the resettlement program from emergency housing, we must remember that it is
federal, and should not put a huge burden on the municipalities. Of course, we
are working and we will continue to do so. But for the sake of objectivity, we
must make it more mundane, real. The fact is that we pull out this program, but
this is associated with certain costs that do not allow us to fulfill our
direct responsibilities”, he explained.
the theme of the powers of municipalities, Ilsur Metshin noted the need to
provide them with revenue sources. “The smaller part in local budgets is made
up by own revenues, which municipalities can use independently. In current
conditions, municipalities are dependent on higher budgets”, said I. Metshin.
The Mayor of the capital of RT noted that the cities had to solve the most
difficult task set by the President of the RF. It is ensuring an increase in
the comfort of the urban environment, an increase in the quality index of the
urban environment by 30%, a reduction in the number of cities with an
unfavorable environment by 2 times. “Not municipality can do this only on its
own”, marked the head of Kazan.
Parchin, the head of Ulyanovsk, marked that I. Metshin, as the chairman of the
Association of Volga Cities and an experienced leader, clearly and competently
described the problems that had accumulated in cities and municipalities. “We
all recognize that Kazan, and Tatarstan as a whole, are ahead of the entire
Volga Federal District. And it should be noted that the Ulyanovsk region and
its center has been friends with Tatarstan since ancient times, we are sharing
much with each other”, said S. Panchin.
Radaev, the Governor of the Saratovskaya Oblast, noted that local government is
the closest link to the population with the authority directly responsible for
the welfare of life. “But responsibility is only increasing. Regional and
municipal authorities are interested in the successful implementation of
national projects. Thus, we will continue to work the same way together,
because the main array of national tasks is being implemented here, on the
ground, as Vladimir Putin said. The results should be visible in every
subject”, he marked.
conclusion, Ilsur Metshin noted that the President of Russia in each of the
national projects identified breakthrough goals and set high standards for
their implementation. “We, as city leaders, understand our responsibility and
set out for ourselves certain strategies for further work. However, once again
I want to emphasize that only together, by combining efforts at all levels and
budgets, can we achieve our goals. We can improve the quality of life of
citizens, create sustainable economic growth, a comfortable and safe
environment and all conditions for the self-realization of citizens”, said the
Mayor of Kazan.
The meeting
was held in the information center of Balakovo NPP (Saratovskaya Oblast). Igor
Komarov, the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the RF in the
Volga Federal District, Ilsur Metshin, the Mayor of Kazan and the chairman of
the Association of Volga Cities (AVC), representatives of the Federal Assembly
of the RF, the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Economic
Development of the RF, representatives of municipalities, and experts took part
in it.