(KZN.RU, February 26, Alena Miroshnichenko). In 2018, the operational situation in Kazan was fairly calm and stable thanks to the efforts of the law enforcement agencies. The number of recorded crimes decreased by 13% compared with 2017. In terms of crimes, Kazan is among the safest million-population cities. This was announced by Alexey Sokolov, the head of the Russian Interior Ministry for Kazan, at the reporting XXXII session of the Kazan City Duma.
“The past year was full of events that set a lot of serious tasks for us: the election of the President of the RF, security during the World Cup, and others. My colleagues also carried out daily official duties. During the year, they provided security for more than 3160 events of republican, federal, and international importance, in which more than 4 million citizens and guests took part. More than 54 thousand police officers were involved in the protection of public order”, reported Alexey Sokolov.
In 2018, the duty units recorded more than 240 thousand incident reports. “The positive dynamics of recent years have been preserved. The total number of recorded crimes was reduced by 13%, less serious crimes, murders, robberies, thefts, hijackings, and vandalism were committed. The number of crimes committed by minors has decreased. There was a decrease in “drunk” and recurrent crimes. The number of serious crimes against the person, as well as those committed on domestic soil, decreased by 4%. The number of murders decreased by 18%. The crime rate was 1.5 thousand crimes per 100 thousand population. In terms of crimes, Kazan is among the safest million-population cities”, he marked.
Experts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs consider crimes against property an indicator of the operational situation. The number of burglaries decreased by 6%, and the results of their disclosure were the best in the last 14 years. The number of robberies and assaults decreased by 19% and 27%, respectively. Detection of the first was 87% and 95% of the second one. The effectiveness of this work years has also increased over the past 15.
A. Sokolov noted that today, the number of robberies is only behind thievery despite the reduction in the number of committed robberies and the growth of solved crimes using cellular communication and the Internet by 1.5 times. 2.5 thousand citizens and 637 legal entities suffered from this; the damage amounted to almost 2 billion rubles. However, the republic has developed an algorithm for investigating such crimes. “We had no equal in the country by the geography of the work of Kazan operatives, investigators and the number of scammers neutralized using the network in 2018. The “red point on the map” was the detention of residents of one of the Gypsy villages who had succeeded in mastering new technologies. They committed a series of remote robberies against Kazan citizens”, said the speaker.
One of the priorities of the Kazan police department is the fight against the drug trade. Last year, employees of the department identified 595 drug crimes, seized more than 620 kg of drugs, and blocked 14 channels of their receipt. Alexey Sokolov considers work with the younger generation to be one of the effective means of preventing drug-related crimes. “It is necessary to continue the formation of sustainable immunity among young people for the drug use and the motivation to maintain a healthy lifestyle”, he said.
“Irreplaceable support in matters of law enforcement and security is provided by the introduction of the latest technical systems under the program “Safe City”. The number of street violations has decreased, great merit in this belongs to video surveillance in the multi-apartment sector”, said A. Sokolov.
7787 cameras have been installed in 2262 apartment buildings in Kazan since 2016. With their help, 1251 crimes have already been solved today, which is 15% of the total number of registered crimes, and 682 administrative offenses have been prevented. It is expected that this year, the “Tattelecom”, which is a partner of the program, will complete the installation of cable networks. It will provide 100% coverage of the territories of multi-residential buildings.
A. Sokolov added that in the near future, the possibility of establishing more than 600 surveillance cameras in public spaces and about 3700 cameras on apartment buildings will be considered. “This is a great help in protecting public order and in solving crimes. All regions of the country envy us in a good way and come to us to borrow this experience. The very presence of video surveillance in the public urban space already has a positive preventive effect”, he marked.
“The process of participation of civil society and authorities in the protection of public order is actively underway. Successes in the confrontation of street crime have been achieved, including thanks to the involvement of citizens in maintaining order on the streets. 20 national teams were created in 2018. Today, this form is quite effective and promising with its incentive to provide a quiet living environment. At the end of the year, more than 400 voluntary people's teams were formed in the city, 65 crimes were solved with their participation, 3600 administrative offenses were prevented”, marked A. Sokolov.
It is important to note that the process of decriminalization of the adolescent environment continues. The smallest number of crimes committed by minors or with their participation years has been recorded over the past 14, said the speaker. However, Liliya Bakulina, the chairperson of the Kazan City Duma Standing Committee on Law, Order and Local Government, expressed the general opinion of the deputies and drew attention to the prevention of juvenile delinquency, the need to strengthen inter-agency cooperation on this issue.
This year, the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RF for Kazan are faced with the task of ensuring security in the preparation and conduction of the World Professional Skills Championship and elections to the State Council of the Republic. The focus remains on work against extremism and organized crime.
Answering the question of Khafiz Mirgalimov, a State Council deputy, about possible inconveniences for citizens during the WorldSkills, Alexey Sokolov noted that “during this period, measures will be taken to enhance security.” “We have already been through this, and this had no impact on the livelihoods or the positive response of the guests of our city. We plan to use 18 objects as the main ones on the territory of the city. There, we will create a security perimeter and organize access tents with the appropriate safety equipment. Additional temporary restrictions on road traffic are possible during the opening and closing of the championship”, he replied. The speaker added that during the event, more than 3600 employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RT and about 600 employees of the National Guard troops will be involved in protecting the public order.
Ilsur Metshin, the Mayor of Kazan, thanked the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RF for Kazan and the personnel of the Kazan Garrison Police for the daily work and creation of conditions for the safe life of citizens. “Without this thorough and systematic collaboration, it is impossible to imagine a well-maintained and comfortable Kazan. We are grateful to you for the fact that you professionally fulfill your duties in all major events, in everyday life, ensure a stable safe atmosphere in the city. Our first priority is to ensure the complete safety of our residents. The Kazan Executive Committee and the Kazan City Council will continue to support management in all undertakings”, said I. Metshin.