March 21, Zilya Gayfi). The tripartite agreement on the implementation of
social and economic policies and the development of the social partnership for
2017-2018 between the Kazan City Hall, city trade unions and employers'
association was signed in Kazan. Ilsur Metshin, the Mayor of Kazan, Tatiana
Vodopiyanova, the chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of Tatarstan,
Alexei Pakhomov, the general director of the Association of Enterprises and
Industrialists of the RT, Damir Fattakhov and Ivan Kuznetsov, the deputy heads of
the Executive Committee, took part in the event, which was held in the City
Metshin reminded that the Strategy of socio-economic development of Kazan until
2030 was adopted in 2016, in the development of which all aspects of
sustainable economic growth and creating a comfortable urban environment were
taken into account. One of the key aspects of the strategy is the human
capital. “The agreement on the implementation of social and economic policy and
the development of social partnership is based on the concept of decent work,
aimed at achieving the strategic goal: raising the living standard of the
population. Also, the tasks are further indicators reduction of informal
employment, the creation of new jobs and preservation of existing jobs, improvement
of the system of social protection and labor protection. There is going to be a
lot of work, but the tasks are feasible with the consolidating of joint
efforts. I am confident that together we will be able to make our plans into
reality”, said the Mayor.
Vodopyanova noted that social partnership in the republic is 25 years old. It
was possible to achieve significant results in the field of labor protection
and reducing industrial injuries over the years. “If an employee is healthy,
then we can expect the increasing of the labor productivity. The number of
funds allocated for labor protection doubled in the last 3 years. There is a
tendency to reduce industrial injuries, and the number of severe injuries has
decreased by 40% at our enterprises. All this is also an indicator of the
quality of the population life”, said the chairman of the Federation of Trade
Unions of the RT.
Pakhomov drew attention to the fact that employers highly appreciate the
importance of the tripartite agreement, which is to be signed. “The status is
territorial but we understand that we are talking about the capital of the
republic. It is important to conduct effective cooperation of the municipality,
trade unions and employers in all areas: production, income, social sphere,
employment, labor protection, ecology, family strengthening and a number of
others. The cooperation will solve many problems of large and small businesses.
In addition, there is always room for improvement. I consider it expedient to
use the site of the tripartite commission for consideration and preparation of
real proposals”, said the general director of the Association of Enterprises
and Industrialists of the RT.
Sushentsova, the chairman of the coordinating council of the trade unions
organizations of Kazan, and Gennady Divavin, the representative of the
coordinating council of associations of employers of the RT and the first
vice-president of the Association of Industrial Enterprises of the RT, were
invited to sign the agreement. The parties expressed hope for productive