(Kazan City
KZN.RU, June 27, Kseniya Shvetsova). The first stage of working out the
Strategy of socio-economic development of the city until 2030 is finished in Kazan.
Its main objectives were to analyze the existing problems, the development of
ideas and solutions, which will be included in the text of the main document.
In total, more than 2.5 thousand of residents made contribution to the work on
the strategy. This was announced today by Deputy Head of the Executive
Committee of the City Economic Development Ivan Kuznetsov at the Business Monday.
Recall, Mayor
of Kazan Ilsur Metshin called citizens to participate in the development
strategy. Today the Mayor pointed out that the future of the city is so openly
discussed with all its residents for the first time. "We set ourselves the
task – to discuss widely this important document with the population. It is
very important that we get feedback from residents. Many of the proposals look
fantastic today, and they require a lot of money. But it is important that
people have such a flight of thought, because there will be no ultra result without
posing of an ultra task. We must be bold to dream, to see the next day of our
city", - I. Metshin said.
Key issues
and points of growth of the city were discussed at the expert platform, which involved
580 people at debates, 773 Kazan residents took part in the online survey on a
portal of the Mayor’s Office of Kazan. Online survey on the website of Kazan Mayor’s
Office, in social networks was used in order to bring as much people as
possible to the discussion, including young people.
discussion was attended by representatives of business, science, public
organizations, state and municipal agencies, deputies and members of the
student community. Since the beginning of the work 54 events were carried out:
39 communications platforms, 5 interviews, 9 methodological seminars and 1 strategic
council. "13 experts from leading universities of Kazan - Kazan Federal
University, Kazan State Technological University and KNRTU-KGASU were moderators
on expert exchanges - I.Kuznetsov said. Thanks to this work over 800 theses on
the problems and prospects of development of the city and 200 project ideas there
have been made". During expert sites, surveys, questionnaires systemic
problems in each area were revealed.
Work on
expert exchanges was carried out in three directions: "Human
Capital", "Space" and "Economy". As I.Kuznetsov told, as
a result of each of them scenarios of urban development were prepared.
according to the results of the discussions on the site "Space", the
developers of the General Plan offered two models of Kazan - "Compact city"
and "Expanding city". The first option involves the qualitative
development of already developed areas and the emergence of 10 new points of
growth in the middle part of the city. The second option involves the expansion
of unused space, unoccupied areas on the periphery, I.Kuznetsov reported.
As a result
of area "Human capital" a flagship project "Kazan - the capital
of culture of innovation", aimed at the transformation in the
socio-economic sphere, is offered. "The project envisages the development
of public-private partnership arrangements for the qualitative improvement of
the educational process. Schools should become the social centers of local
importance. To do this access to sports facilities, creative centers of schools
will be opened for all residents in a particular district,"- I.Kuznetsov said.
In addition, great importance in the proposed project is given to the topic of a
healthy way of life of Kazan residents; it is proposed to make the elimination
of social fragmentation between persons with disabilities and other citizens,
the formation of communities on the organization of mutual aid and social
services to the disabled and the elderly.
In turn,
experts and moderators of the site "Economy" offer the flagship
project "Smart digital economy as an accelerator of business, creative
industries and engineering". Under this project the development of
IT-sector with the creation of data centers, the development of Islamic
banking, support of product "Made in Kazan" and exit at the
international level will be the strategic goals for the city's economy through
2030. Support for small and medium businesses will play not the last role.
need to build ambitious plans, compare ourselves only with the most powerful
and gain experience from the best cities in the world", - I.Kuznetsov said.
Now the
second stage of development of the Strategy, which will last until the end of
August, started in the capital of Tatarstan. At this stage experts will record
the results of the analysis of the collected information and even plan to
release an electronic edition "Kazan residents choose the future".
Also at this stage the formation of the text of the strategy will begin, which
will be based on the collected material and clarifying research. In addition,
according to I.Kuznetsov, public events are planned, in which parliamentary
hearing or the expert conference a strategic session will be held.
of the Strategy should be completed in September this year. The Mayor noted
that by this time the citizens should see the results of all the work done.
"The work is not finished, receiving of opinions, suggestions, discussions
will be continued. It is important to get document that will force us to work
in tight schedule till September. If we set the task, for achieving of which participation
of the entire population, team of colleagues from the Government under the leadership
of President is needed - then we will get results, and it will be a completely
different city,"- I. Metshin said.