(KZN.RU, May13th, by Renat Shirmanov). Civic activity has been gaining strength in Kazan. Those of its residents who are interested in the further development of the city should unite and become active partners of the administration of Tatarstan’s capital. This opinion was expressed by the Mayor of Kazan Il’sur Metshin today in his report at the XIXth conference of the Kazan local branch of the United Russia party.
According to the governor, the Mayoralty of Kazan will stimulate the public initiatives of its inhabitants.
It will be recalled that the other day the leader of the United Russia, the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin suggested the creation of a popular front uniting all public forces interested in the development of the country.
«A similar front should also be formed in our city. Many organizations are ready to stand shoulder to shoulder with us– trade unions, veteran, artistic and youth associations», added Il’sur Metshin.
In his words, business associations, ecologists, motorists, protectors of architectural monuments and many other public organizations already actively cooperate with the administration. «All of them express an interest in our society, and a dialogue with them is vitally important to us. All their signals, even not the most pleasant ones, help us find the right way together», the Mayor of Kazan declared.
Il’sur Metshin assured those present that in the near future a package of proposals on additional stimulation of public initiatives will be introduced in the Municipal Duma. «We envisage grants to be allocated for the realization of socially significant projects by NGO’s. We extend our hand to everyone, including opposition activists. Today, we must unite. The ideas of population protection, which underlie the Five-Year Health Action Plan, may serve as a basis for this broad consolidation. Our People’s Front should promote cleanliness, sports, health and culture, and combat drugs and alcohol abuse», he summed up.
During the party conference, new members were elected to the political council of the Kazan branch of the United Russia. Mr. Il’sur Metshin was proposed as a candidate for the post of the Secretary of Political Council, the nominee having held this post earlier. The candidature of the Mayor of Kazan was supported by all the delegates.