(Kazan City
KZN.RU, August 7, Zilya Gayfi). In the Kirovsky district of Kazan construction
of the first house of the new residential complex "Salavat Cupere” is
almost completed, it is planned to hand in by August 30. For the first time in
an urban practice the construction of such large amounts of property is carried
out simultaneously with the construction of social infrastructure. Thus, in the
residential complex "Salavat Cupere” contractors are preparing to hand
over into operation two kindergartens for 260 places in autumn, and the next
year the school on 1224 places is planned to be built. During the inspection of
the process of building Mayor of Kazan Ilsur Metshin said that immediately
after housewarming residents of the new complex will have an opportunity to
visit the objects of social infrastructure within walking distance.
Metshin inspected construction sites and noted the quality of housing being
built. According to the program of social mortgage apartment in the residential
complex "Salavat Cupere" are handing over in final finishing, which
provides complete repair of residential and non-residential areas of apartment,
as well as a full set of equipment for non-residential premises. This means
that people will be able to enter the apartment the next day after handing the
house in. "I never thought that the houses being built on the social
mortgage program will have the same finish as in the commercial housing. If we
were shown an apartment in "Salavat Cupere" 10 years ago , no one
would have believed it, "- said the Mayor.
In the complex
of 400 hectares expected for living of 50 thousand of Kazan citizens, 1.5
million sq. meters of multifamily housing will be built in total - more than
there are now in the entire Kirovsky district. Simultaneously with the
construction of housing input of 22 kindergartens, 7 schools, construction of
new roads, alternate road of Gorky highway are provided. In the first phase on
the construction at the same time four residential quarters, including 22
houses on 6426 apartments with a total area of 384 square meters are built.
major project for the construction of housing for social mortgage is realized
in Kazan in the district M-14 at the Orenburg tract. Progress of construction
work in M-14 area was also inspected by Ilsur Metshin. By the end of the year
it is planned to hand in 2 houses on 255 and 89 apartments.
Due to such
a large and ambitious construction projects as "Salavat Cupere" and
M-14 level of housing security of its citizens is growing in Kazan - if in 2013
the figure was 23.3 sq.m. for one person, then at the end of 2014, it rose to
23.84 sq.m. per person. Moreover, according to the master plan by 2050 the
level of housing provision should grow to 39 sq.m. per person. I. Metshin is sure
that the optimal price-quality ratio make housing "Salavat Cupere"
and the M-14 area accessible and attractive to citizens.