«You will soon be attending a brand new kindergarten»: preschool № 302 to be renovated this year
Denis Gordiyko
This year, kindergarten №302 at 9a Yaroslava Gasheka Street will be
completely renovated in the Kazan. This was announced by the Mayor Ilsur
Metshin during a visit to the preschool. By the new school year, the basement,
walls, roof, facades, changing rooms, food hall, and other rooms will be
renovated under the «Family» national project.
«We are
launching this year’s renovation program for social facilities. This
kindergarten in the Novo-Savinovsky city district was built in 1972. Over the
past half-century, some repairs have been made here, but it's time to
comprehensively renovate both the premises and the engineering systems. The «Family»
national project will allow us to address this issue in a comprehensive way», – the Mayor
He added that the capital of Tatarstan ensures that the facilities built
many years ago are no less comfortable than new kindergartens and meet the
highest requirements. This autumn, children and parents will be able to enjoy
the renovated facilities.
«Over the past 10 years, 78 kindergartens in Kazan have been renovated.
Some of them have had their conditions improved, others have had their capacity
increased, thus creating new places for preschool children. However, even more
buildings need repairs, and despite the work done so far, there is still no
time or opportunity to rest», – Ilsur Metshin emphasized.
Kindergarten № 302 has two buildings. During the renovation, 300 children
will be temporarily relocated to the second building located on Golubyatnikova
Street, which is located almost across from the main building. Comprehensive
work was already carried out there in 2021 –2022, and the children will find it comfortable
to study there, said the head of the kindergarten Rezeda Vafina.
facility on Yaroslava Gasheka Street was built in 1972. Since then, only minor
repairs have been made there. It is planned to repair the roof, facade, ground
floor, porch, windows, entrance doors, fire escapes, and
other areas. Additionally, the food hall, engineering systems, changing rooms,
and other premises will be comprehensively upgraded, new furniture and
equipment will also be purchased. The design project was developed by
specialists from the Kazan Development Institute and is currently undergoing
approval. Work on the project is scheduled to start in the spring and will be
completed by September.
There are currently 11 groups in the kindergarten. It offers bilingual
education in Russian and Tatar, as well as support for children with speech needs.
The building has music and sports rooms, as well as offices for a
teacher-psychologist and speech therapist. There is also a methodological room,
a space for teaching Tatar, and a medical room.