Today, Ilsur Metshin, the Mayor of
Kazan, was re-elected President of the United Nations Advisory Committee of
Local Authorities (UNACLA). He will hold this post for the next four years. The
Advisory Committee represents the interests of 323 thousand municipalities, metropolises
and regions around the world.
The decision on re-election the
Mayor of Kazan Ilsur Metshin the President of the UN Advisory Committee of
Local Authorities was made at a meeting under the UCLG World Summit of Local
and Regional Leaders, which is taking place in Daejeon, South Korea. The
Congress brought together delegates from 140 countries.
For the
first time Ilsur Metshin was elected President of the UN Advisory Committee of
Local Authorities in 2019. Then Russia headed the World Association of Mayors
at the UN for the first time.
reference, the Mayor of Kazan presented the Games of the Future at the World Summit
of Local and Regional Leaders in Daejeon yesterday. For the first time, the
presentation of a large-scale event, which will be hosted by the capital of
Tatarstan in March 2024, took place at such a high level.