Ilsur Metshin,
the Mayor of Kazan, has been re-elected President of the Eurasian Branch of the
World Organization “United Cities and Local Governments” (UCLG). This decision
was made during a meeting of the general assembly of the branch at the VIII Eurasia
Local Governments Congress in Yakutsk. The event was held by the video
conference mode, the Mayor of the city Ilsur Metshin and the deputy head of the
Kazan municipality Evgenia Lodvigova joined the event from Kazan.
By a unanimous vote of the assembly members, Ilsur Metshin again headed the
Eurasian section of the UCLG. The head of the capital of Tatarstan thanked his
colleagues for their confidence.
The participants of the meeting summed up the results of the work. Rasikh
Sagitov, Secretary General of the Eurasian section of the UCLG, made a report.
He said that 2019 was a fruitful year for the organization. First of all,
because the president of the Eurasian section, Ilsur Metshin, was also elected President
of the UN Advisory Committee on Local Self-Government.
Another significant event was the participation of the Eurasian section of
the UCLG in the preparation of the Voluntary National Review of Russia.
In February 2020, the delegation of the Eurasian section took part in the
World Urban Forum in Abu Dhabi.
“The first half of 2021 was also productive. This year, together with the
UCLG World Organization and GCom, we have started work on fighting against climate
change”, - Rasikh Sagitov said.
The next meeting of the Council of the Eurasian section within the
framework of the UCLG World Congress will be held in November 2022 in Daejeon
(South Korea).