May 7, Alena Miroshnichenko). The well-being of Tatarstan families was
discussed today by participants in the debates of preliminary voting on the
selection of candidates for state and local government bodies. Ilsur Metshin,
the Mayor of Kazan, the secretary of the Kazan local branch of the United
Russia party, voiced his opinion on this issue. The meeting was held in the
regional executive committee of the party at Gorky Street, №12.
The Mayor
of Kazan was opposed by Rafis Burganov, the deputy prime minister of the RT and
the minister of Education and Science of the RT, Ruzil Timergaleyev, the
general director of the group of companies “Berezka”, Aidar Ashrapov, an
individual entrepreneur, Valery Vlasov, the general director of the joint-stock
company “Tatagrolizing” and the chairman of the board of directors of the joint
stock company “Autostrada”.
“Kazan is a
big, friendly, multinational, hardworking family. I am very glad that we have
been living in friendship for centuries and appreciate our inter-ethnic dialog,
intercultural traditions, and customs. And we are obliged to pass on our
greatest achievement to our children and grandchildren”, Ilsur Metshin began
his speech.
One of the
main achievements of the capital of Tatarstan is the level of citizens'
satisfaction with urban conditions. Ilsur Metshin said that, according to
research, Kazan is among the cities where happy people live. “Undoubtedly, this
is the result of the great and hard work of the team of Rustam Minnikhanov, the
President of the RT, a member of the highest council of the United Russia party”,
said the head of the city. He reminded that a major overhaul of the housing
stock is being carried out in the capital of Tatarstan. In this direction,
Kazan is ahead of all million-population cities not only in the Volga Federal
District, but also in Russia. In addition, social facilities are being repaired
in the city, including yards, schools, clinics, roads. According to the Mayor,
many of these programs have no analogs in neighboring regions. “Of course,
there is still a lot of work to be done, but we will try to ensure that our
families, the city, Tatarstan and Russia are prosperous”, said I. Metshin.
The debates
touched upon various aspects important for family well-being, in particular,
the development of the social infrastructure in the city and the republic.
spectators who watched the verbal duel in the hall of the regional executive
committee of the party could also ask their questions. Among other things, they
were interested in such topics as the assignment of teaching staff to educational
institutions, the refusal of representatives of low-income social groups from
their children, support for talented young people and ensuring the safety of
city residents.
to Ilsur Metshin, the safety of the population is one of the conditions for the
welfare of the city. This issue is among the priorities for the city
authorities, therefore, the Safe City system is being created in the capital of
Tatarstan. In particular, video surveillance cameras are installed in Kazan
within it. Thus, today there are more than 8.7 thousand cameras installed in
apartment buildings, which allow seeing the situation around the buildings
live. Cameras are also installed in all parks and squares of the city, in
social institutions. Ilsur Metshin marked that last year, about 15% of offenses
were revealed thanks to video cameras.
One of the
questions posed to the Mayor of Kazan concerned support for talented youth. “We
are implementing a program to support talented children, the so-called Olympiad
movement. We allocate funds for this and encourage our stars and those teachers
who prepare them. A scholarship of the Mayor is also awarded once a year”, said
Ilsur Metshin. He added that the work in this direction is carried out
throughout the year. Talented children present not only their educational
institution, but also Kazan, Tatarstan, and sometimes Russia in sports and
creative competitions. “It is important that besides the victory, there should
be support from the city and the republic. This is a big program that is
already bringing results”, he noted. According to the Mayor, the city
authorities are always open to new proposals to support talented youth.
“My firm
conviction is that a city can be happy only when happy, prosperous people and
families live in it. I, as the mayor, the leader of the United Russia party in
Kazan, want to assure that we will do everything possible to ensure that there
are as many wealthy and happy families in Kazan as possible”, the Mayor
concluded his speech.
The debate
between the participants in the primaries will last until May 15. The regional
Executive Committee of United Russia will organize 150 debates. The preliminary
voting will take place on May 26, it will determine the participants of the
forthcoming parliamentary elections.