April 22). Kazan residents of pre-retirement age receive vocational training
and additional vocational education. Today, 758 pre-pensioners are trained with
the assistance of the Center for Employment of the Population of Kazan within
the framework of the federal project “Older Generation” of the national project
Khairullin, the director of the Center for Population Employment of Kazan,
reported today at the staff meeting. Taking into account changes in the Federal
Law “On Insurance Pensions”, appropriate changes were also made to the Law “On
Employment in the RF”. “Due to the changes, the priority task for the
population employment service is the preservation and development of the
employment of citizens of pre-retirement age”, he marked. Due to an increase in
the retirement age, the proportion of people of pre-retirement age in Kazan
increased from 10.5% in 2018 to 13.7% in 2019.
The speaker
explained that in order to help this category of Kazan citizens, 8 counseling
centers were set up. Telephone hotlines for employment assistance for this
category of people are working, monitoring of persons engaged in labor
activities is organized. The work is being carried out with employers on issues
of prohibiting the restriction of labor rights and freedoms citizens depending
on age. Thus, since the beginning of the year, the specialists of the
Employment Center held 17 meetings with employers.
Prosecutor’s Office, the Employment Center should closely monitor compliance
with labor laws”, commented Ilsur Metshin, the Mayor of Kazan. He suggested
more actively introducing various training programs for pre-retirees, which are
implemented throughout the Russian Federation.
Employment Center pays special attention to the education of disabled people.
This year, 18 of them have mastered such professions as a confectioner, boiler
room operator, accountant, 1C user, electrician, and others.
In his
report, M. Khairullin marked that from 2019, in order to increase the level of
employment for disabled people, employers will begin to provide a subsidy for
reimbursement of part of the labor costs of disabled people employed by state
employment service agencies. “The subsidy is granted to organizations except
for the state and municipal institutions on the basis of an agreement with the
employment center”, he explained. The size of the subsidy for the payment of
the labor of one disabled person per month is determined on the basis of the
minimum wage added by the amount of insurance premiums to state extra-budgetary
funds. More than 1.9 million rubles were allocated from the budget of the RT
for the wages of 50 disabled people.
During the
discussion, the Mayor of Kazan drew attention to another problem: the “grey”
labor market. “There are different sides of the same coin. People do not pay
taxes, but enjoy all the benefits, free schools and hospitals, but at the same
time today they should think about retirement savings”, he said. This problem
still concerns the self-employed as well. “When we started to deal with this
topic, we understood that this is dozens of thousands of people who are
currently engaged in the grey labor market”, he marked. The self-employed will
have a support program that will be submitted to the public in the near future.