February 26, Ksenia Shvetsova). Rustam Minnikhanov, the President of the RT,
ordered to prepare and hold the celebration of the centenary anniversary of the
TASSR at the highest level next year at a meeting of the XXXII session of the
Kazan City Duma.
centenary of the republic is a good opportunity to talk about people who
contributed to the development of Tatarstan, Kazan, worked at enterprises for
many years, about veterans”, marked R. Minnikhanov. He added that the capital
of Tatarstan should be an example for other cities in organizing festive
Metshin, the Mayor of Kazan, said that preparation for the events dedicated to
the 100th anniversary of the republic is one of the main tasks for this year.
The city is already hosting events dedicated to the date. They will be held
during all year, creating a festive mood among the citizens and guests of the
city. “We are proud that we have preserved our richest cultural heritage, the
language of Gabdulla Tukay and Mazit Gafuri, tolerance, religious tolerance, peace,
and friendship among all the peoples of Tatarstan”, said the Mayor.
In 2020, it
will be 100 years since the foundation of the TASSR. By the upcoming
anniversary, a special historical site http://100.tatarstan.ru/ has been
launched in the republic. There you can find pictures and documents from the
collections of the Tatarstan archives, as well as the Institute of History of
the Academy of Sciences of the RT and the Institute of Tatar Encyclopedia.