(KZN.RU, July 30, Alsu Safina). Today at the Business Monday, Ilnar Khidiyatov, the head of the Department of Education, reported on the results of the USE of Kazan graduates. Ilsur Metshin, the Mayor of Kazan, instructed to analyze the process of preparing high-mark students for the USE. Also, he instructed to prepare a report on schools, graduates of which showed the lowest in the city results of the USE, for the August conference of pedagogical workers.
“It is commendable that graduates improved the results of the USE in 8 subjects out of 14. We thank the pedagogical staffs, the students themselves, their parents. It is important that the results of the compulsory subjects are improved every year. This is the result of a great planned work”, noted the Mayor.
This year the productivity of Kazan graduates in the Russian language, profile mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, social studies, English and German has grown. A significant decline is observed in informatics, geography and French. The graduates of Kazan are better in all subjects except for literature, compared with Nizhny Novgorod and Omsk.
Ilnar Khidiyatov, the head of the Department of Education, said that over the past 10 years, the average score for the Russian language increased by 18.7 points to 74.5. Compared to last year, the average increase was 2.5 points. The difference in the average marks in Russian between schools with high and low results was reduced by 1.8 points. “All schools, except the №41, that turned out to be at the bottom of the table last year, now have a positive dynamics of the average marks”, noted the head of the Department of Education. The minimum score for Russian increased by 5 points in comparison with last year. The minimum threshold for this compulsory subject was not overcome by 2 students.
The average score for profile mathematics increased by 15.6 points to 57.5in comparison with 2009, the difference with the previous year was 1.7 points. The average score for mathematics at the basic level has decreased by 0.1 points. The minimum score increased by 5.4 points compared to last year.
The gap in the average score between schools with high and low results in mathematics was reduced by 6.2 points. All schools in the lower part have a positive average score from 2 to 23 points.
The results of Kazan graduates in profile mathematics are higher than those of graduates of Moscow and St. Petersburg and that graduates of St. Petersburg in Russian.
The number of works that scored more than 80 points increased by 3.5% compared to last year. The share of high-mark works has increased in 8 subjects out of 14. The number of excellent works has doubled (from 46 to 89). All excellent results are confirmed by Rosoboradzor, sais the head of the Department of Education. The largest number of excellent works was in the Vakhitovsky and the Novo-Savinovsky districts (27 and 20, respectively).
The number of excellent works in chemistry increased in 4 times, in Russian – 2 times. 8 graduates scored 100 points in two subjects. They are pupils of schools №9, 132, 179, №155 of the Novo-Savinovsky district, the school №18, the lyceum №131 of the Vakhitovsky district, the Lobachevsky Lyceum, and the school № 94 of the Moskovsky district.
“The number of those who passed over 80 points increases; it is a good result and a chance to get budget places in universities. The number of those who passed on 100 points increases as well. Behind every such result is first and foremost the great work of the pupils themselves, teachers, and parents”, said the Mayor of Kazan. “By the August conference, I would like the Department of Education and the heads of districts to analyze if it is the education system preparing the Olympiad participants or is it the result of the work of tutors”.
Ilnar Khidiyatov, the head of the Department of Education, also named the best schools according to the results of the Unified State Examination in compulsory subjects. Thus, the IT schools, lyceums №131, 159, the Lobachevsky Lyceum, the school “SOLNTSE”, schools № 122, 7, 19, boarding schools №2, 4, 7 made the top-10 in USE in Russian. The top-10 of the best schools in the results of the USE in mathematics included the IT-lyceum, the lyceum №131, the engineering lyceum of KNRTU-KAI, the Lobachevsky Lyceum, the boarding school № 2, the school “SOLNTSE”, schools № 7, 122, 27, and 19.
“We always had outstanding schools, we respect the leaders and staff of these schools”, noted Ilsur Metshin. “At the same time, we must not forget about the tail, we also study this problem. From today's analysis it is clear that many have pulled themselves up. But there are those who are pulling down. I ask you to prepare a report and do it not to punish someone, but for us to raise the level in those schools that are behind others. All children must have equal conditions for obtaining an education”.
This year, 5474 people out of 5504 graduates of Kazan schools passed the USE, and 28 people passed the state final exam for children with disabilities.