October 10). Kazan entered the top 5 cultural cities of Russia. 93% of the
interviewed residents of the capital of Tatarstan agree that there are enough
cultural institutions in the city: theaters, cinemas, galleries, and libraries.
Financial University of the Government of the RF has estimated the state of the
cultural and educational environment in large and medium-sized Russian cities
as part of a project to assess the quality of life in Russia. The rating was
published today. The analysis was carried out on the basis of sociological
surveys. No less than 600 respondents were interviewed according to a sample
representative of the city's population in each of the cities where the study
was conducted.
Metshin, the Mayor of Kazan, noted on the air of the TV channel “Russia 24”
that there is an opera theater in Kazan, a symphony orchestra, a large network
of music and art schools and museums. In addition, a large increase in tourist
flow is observed in the capital of Tatarstan today. “Much work is being done
and has always been conducted in Tatarstan and its capital. Therefore, we are
pleased that we are entering the top cultural cities of our great country
according to the Kazan residents and tourists, the number of which grows in the
capital of Tatarstan year after year”, said Ilsur Metshin.
Zubets, the vice-rector of the Financial University of the Government of the
RF, Doctor of Economic Sciences, noted on the air that the Financial University
has been conducting these studies for several years. “Therefore, the data
accumulated during the implementation of this project on the life quality in
the Russian cities, allow us to trace the dynamics of changes in assessments
that residents in large and medium-sized Russian cities give”, he explained.
“As for the state of the cultural environment, dynamics are positive. And the
number of people who positively assess the sufficiency of cultural institutions
in their city is growing”, summarized the Doctor of Economic Sciences.
The highest
marks were given to the cultural institutions of St. Petersburg by city
residents. The top five also includes Grozny, Novosibirsk, and Moscow. This
indicator is 83% in the whole country.