September 25, Zilya Gayfi). For today, the heat has been launched in Kazan in
518 kindergartens, schools, and hospitals, accounting for 72% of all urban
social institutions, as well as 225 multi-apartment buildings. Iskander
Giniyatullin, the deputy head of the Executive Committee and the chairman of
the Committee for Housing and Communal Services, spoke about the launch of a
heat in the city today on the Business Monday in the Kazan City Hall.
to him, the preparation for the heat start was completed in early September by
finishing pressure test of the heating systems, which confirmed the readiness
of the city's heat supply network to bear heating loads.
This year
the heating season in Kazan started on September 20. But on September 7,
notifications about the early start-up of heat to social facilities, if
necessary, were sent to the resource-supplying organizations. Iskander
Giniyatullin reminded that heat should be supplied to consumers when the
average daily temperature reaches +8 degrees within 5 days. This kind of
weather is not yet observed, so the full supply of heat did not start.
The scale
of preparation for the heating season is traditionally characterized by the
volume of work performed. “The washing, crimping, and inspection of 11 thousand
km of in-house heating systems are carried out. The replacement of more than
125 km of pipelines of in-house heating networks was made, almost 16 thousand pieces
of heating devices were replaced. The equipment of the housing stock is
continued with automatic weather regulation units. In the current year, 143
nodes were installed. In total, the heating supply in the city is automated in
3260 residential houses, which is 62% of all housing. The heating supply
enterprises prepared almost 2 thousand km of main and intra-quarter heat
networks with diameters from 50 to 1200 mm. More than 53 km of pipelines have
been replaced. All sources of heat supply have been prepared”, said the head of
the committee.
At the same
time, a modernization of the equipment of heat supply companies continues. So,
modern generation capacities have been operating at the second and third
stations of Kazan CHP plants in the past and current year.
Also, the
AO “Kazenergo” carried out a comprehensive modernization and reconstruction of
5 district boiler houses and 6 central heating stations. In addition, this
year, reconstruction and modernization of equipment in the boiler house of the
reinforced concrete plant ZhBI“Elevatorstroy”.
It is
important that a number of heat supply issues were resolved during the
preparation for the heating season. Thus, residents of 6 houses of the Sovetsky
district were left without hot water because of the shutdown of the boiler
house at the dairy plant in the summer. The problem was solved thanks to the
appearance of a new owner, who carried out a large-scale work to repair the
boiler house and replace the heating main. And the issue of switching houses to
the boiler of the AO “Kazenergo” will be considered as early as next year.
implementation of the program for switching consumers from central heating
points of the AO “Tatenergo” to indoor individual heat points continues.
According to I. Giniyatullin, 1392 points are already installed in 1280
facilities, including 1115 apartment buildings and 165 budgetary institutions.
“The transfer to individual heat points of about 1300 residential buildings is
our result. This is especially important in yards, where the life is active,
and the networks are old and worn out. We will closely overview how it works”,
commented the Mayor.
In general,
Ilsur Metshin noted that the preparation for the heating season is a huge,
invisible work of heat supply companies, heads of districts, the Housing and
Utilities Committee. The residents are already assessing the result in the
start of the heat. “The beginning of the heating season is the end of the
hard-working period. This is a huge amount of work. I remember when I, as a
young head of the department of housing privatization of the Sovetsky district
administration, worked with Albert Kamaleev. We were preparing for the winter.
Each separate boiler house was reported on. Times were difficult, there was no
money, no resources. Today this is a planned work for us”, said the Mayor.
The head of
the city urged for a quick reaction to the residents' appeals on the issues of
heat start-up. “The issue of commissioning is a matter of working with
residents. It could be the foul pipe, or the pressure is too much, it is
necessary to react fast. There will be problems in a millionth city with 522
apartment buildings. Residents understand the situation. It is important to do
work with the population as respectfully as possible. The resource “Open Kazan”
should become our daily assistant in this matter”, instructed the Mayor.
He also
noted that a quick issues solution is what the population expects from the
management companies. “The speed of response to any citizen's application must
be in accordance with the fee charged. The budget item for public services is
very important. We cannot change it, it is a federal component. But we can
respond quickly to citizens' appeals, we don’t need Moscow for it. This is our
sphere of responsibility. We must work in this direction and do our best”, said
Ilsur Metshin.