December 19, Zilya Gayfi). The information about closing of the children's
dental clinic №2 in the Novo-Savinovsky district and regional dental clinic in
the Aviastroitelny district has caused a wide public resonance. Ilsur Metshin,
the Mayor of Kazan, asked the Health management of the Ministry of Health of
the RT for comment to explain to residents what was being done, and where the
districts’ population will be served, today at the Business Monday in the City
Halfiev, the head of the Health Department of the Ministry of Health of the RT,
said that Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers on the elimination of
children's dental clinic №2 was published last week, but it is not closing of
the institution. The reorganization of the legal entity will be held. "The
reorganization will be carried out in the framework of public-private
cooperation; it aims to strengthen the material-technical base. By the end of
2017, the clinic will work in the new, comfortable environment and provide all
the same services that are currently provided, but in the updated rooms.
Premises of clinic will be partially closed to patients for the period of
repair. The institution will continue to work in the same amount for the same
number of residents after the repair is completed”, he said.
Halfiev also clarified the situation around the clinical and diagnostic center
on the street Lukin, where the children's dental care is provided to residents
of the Aviastroitelny districts. “The mechanism of determining of the planned
task for dental clinics has been modified under the program of state guarantees
of the Russian Federation for 2016. The planned task at the Center in the
Aviastroitelny district was somewhat lower, but in October, the Ministry of
Health with the Fund of obligatory medical insurance corrected it. Our position
is that even if the institution is marked insufficient planning figure, it is
obliged to provide medical care to residents and at the same time to solve
their problems by paying their bills with the fund. If the institution refuses
to serve the population, the patient flows will be redirected to other dental
clinics, where such assistance will be fully rendered to them”, he said.
Metshin noted that the reorganization of the institution is carried out in the
interests of the residents themselves. However, it is necessary to inform the
public in advance anyway. “The new equipment will appear in the facility,
modern technology will be used. However, before you start to do something, it
is necessary to inform the population. Otherwise, a good deed results in excess
noise and unnecessary questions. There are enough problems without this. This
applies to all the city's institutions, not just the health sector”, said the