November 14, Mikhail Chentsov). The number of fatalities has decreased by 40%
for the first 9 months of this year in Kazan, compared to the same period of
2015. Ivan Kuznetsov, the deputy head of the Economic Development of the Kazan
Executive Committee, reported on the work of the Coordination Council of
Occupational Safety at the Executive Committee today at the Business Monday.
In total 43
accidents at work, including four group ones, were recorded since the beginning
of 2016. 20 people were killed in the performance of their duties, and another
28 were injured and maimed. According to I. Kuznetsov, the most terrible
accidents happen where basic safety rules are not respected. “Their offense,
unfortunately, is systematic. By the way, the lack of guard fences on dangerous
objects is the most common security breach”, said the speaker.
to I. Kuznetsov, the construction industry, where the injury rate is
traditionally one of the highest, is under special control of the Coordinating
Council. So, in 2015, 20 out of 46 of all deaths occurred in the production of
the construction. The members of the working groups of the Coordinating Council
examined the 15 construction sites in the period from January to October 2016.
Special attention during detours was paid to compliance with safety standards,
inspection of sanitary facilities, and the availability of firefighting
equipment, safety magazines and many other aspects of occupational safety.
“Such raids are carried out for the past three years, and if in the first two
years the reaction of construction companies’ heads was of a negative
character, now groups of the Coordinating Council are met in entirely different
way and meetings become more productive and meaningful”, said the speaker.
concluding his report, I. Kuznetsov said that 114 different violations were
found since the beginning of the year, but today they are all eliminated and
each of them have been documented with photo report. “Reducing the number of
fatalities by 40% compared to the same period last year was the result of the
work of the Coordinating Council for Occupational Safety. Our main goal is the
reduction of the number of fatalities to zero. The work will continue”,
concluded I. Kuznetsov.
Metshin, the Mayor of Kazan, said that the work being done by the Coordination
Council is very important. “The numbers speak for themselves, but,
nevertheless, they are still large. Reduction of deaths by 40% per year is a
good result of the work, but, as you correctly pointed out, we need to go to
zero. Each loss of ability to work not to mention the death is a tragedy for
any family that can be and should be avoided. It must be remembered that the
occupational safety is a “safety airbag”, which is triggered only when seat
belts are fastened”, concluded the Mayor of Kazan.