November 1). Kazan has a favorable environment for raising a healthy, athletic,
educated and cultured man with a broad outlook. Airat Faizov, the chairman of
the Committee for Children and Youth Affairs of the Executive Committee of the
city, expressed this opinion today at the XI session of the Kazan State Duma.
He cited data, showing that about half a million people under the age of 30
years are living in the capital of Tatarstan.
A. Faizov
told that the Committee's work is based on a number of strategic and tactical
documents such as the foundation of the State Youth Policy, guidelines of the
Rosmolodezh. The chairman of the Committee also reminded that the municipal
program on the development of youth policy in the years 2015-2017 works in
Kazan. “We crossed the equator of this program in the current semester.
Summarizing the interim results, we can say that the target indicators are
performed on schedule by 100%”, said the speaker.
A. Faizov
told that young families and young scientists are the highest age group of
young people (23 to 35 years). “The priority issue for this category is
housing”, said the committee chairman. According to him, 203 young families
improved their living conditions over the past 5 years due to the action of
various social programs. Also, various scientific and educational projects
aimed at supporting young scientists of the city, are held. Specific attention
is paid to work with young entrepreneurs: there are number of educational
programs and methods for them.
A. Faizov
took the student community to the middle age group. At present, 157 000
students are studying in Kazan. “Traditionally, the academic year is very
saturated. About 10 large student festivals, more than 70 contests and sports
competitions are held”, said A. Faizov. According to him, the activities of the
Committee aimed at supporting youth organizations, conducting a variety of
“The basic
infrastructure of the youth policy is aimed at the youngest age group: from 7
to 16 years”, said the chairman of the committee. According to him, 60 youth
clubs, 14 children's camps are functioning in the city. “More than 32 thousand
children were covered by all kinds of organized recreation in 2016”, said the
speaker. A. Faizov noted that an important feature of these institutions is
their accessibility: location and financial. “The younger age group covered by
educational work up to the final exams”, said the chairman of the committee. A.
Faizov also shared plans for further work. According to him, the introduction
of new ways of working with young people are inactive, the further expansion of
the network of youth facilities is needed. Particular attention will be given
to institutions for children with disabilities. Ilsur Metshin, the Mayor of
Kazan, noted the need to develop a network of such institutions.
Also, the
Mayor urged to prevent the outflow of young professionals from the city. The
Mayor of Kazan has paid special attention to work with young people in
difficult life situations. “No young person should remain without our help and
support”, said I. Metshin.