April 18, Ksenia Shvetsova). Today more than 50% of Kazan citizens of working
age participate in the activities of charitable organizations in various forms,
from monetary donations to personal volunteer work. Such results were achieved
thanks to the project “Good Kazan” and the support of non-profit organizations.
Ilsur Metshin, the Mayor of Kazan, said this today at the meeting of the XXXIII
session of the Kazan City Duma, which is taking place in the City Hall.
Over the
past 2 years, the number of citizens participating in charity has grown by more
than 10%, said Rustem Gafarov, the first deputy head of the Executive
Committee, in his report on the activities of non-profit organizations (NPO).
“The request for solving problems not only by the state, but also by NPOs with
each wave of research is getting higher. The number of people involved in
charitable activities has increased, about 74%. They participate first of all
financially and in the form of volunteer activity, and this is becoming the
norm for Kazan citizens”, said R. Gafarov.
The issue
of supporting socially oriented non-profit organizations was and remains one of
the priorities for Kazan, said Ilsur Metshin. “The activity of NPOs is
increasingly entering the life of the city. Those projects that were launched in
the city, in the first place the project “Good Kazan”, allowed the citizens to
engage in charitable activities from a very young age”, said the Mayor. “The
activities of non-profit organizations are aimed at solving a wide variety of
social problems in many spheres of life”. The Mayor added that the increase in
the number of Kazan citizens who support charitable projects and participate in
volunteer activities shows that the citizens are gaining confidence in this
area of social development.
According to
R. Gafarov, the Kazan Charitable Foundation “Day of Good Deeds” measured public
and economic sentiment in Kazan last year. The survey showed an increase in the
share of citizens who believe that social issues should be addressed, including
charitable foundations and non-profit organizations (NPO).