May 7, Alsu Safina). More than 1500 enterprises and 55000 people took part in
the city's subbotnik in Kazan, which took place on May 5. 400 pieces of
equipment were attracted, said Igor Kulyazhev, the deputy chairman of the
Executive Committee, at the Business Monday.
He said
that 75 public areas of the city were cleared during the subbotnik. Students of
schools, secondary and higher educational institutions, employyees of
enterprises, organizations, employees of district administrations, the Kazan
Executive Committee, the Kazan City Duma, ministries and departments, as well
as city residents cleared forests, green areas, coastal stripes, gardens,
parks, and squares. Employees of enterprises involved in landscaping, housing
management organizations, homeowners' associations cleared streets, lawns,
driveways, and yards.
thousand cubic meters of garbage was taken to the landfills of various wastes.
This is 25% more than on common days. The main feature of this year's subbotnik
was the organization of a separate collection of plastic for its further
Kulyazhev named the KMPO, the Kazan Aviation Plant named after Gorbunov,
“Edelveis”, the KFU, the AO “Radioelectronics”, the OAO “Kazancompressormash”,
the Kazanorgsintez among the enterprises-active participants of the subbotnik.
“I will
join in thanking the active citizens, enterprises, universities, business
representatives, owners of buildings who went to the subbotnik and did
everything to make our city cleaner and more comfortable. The purity of our
city is in our hands, so let’s love it and take care of it”, said Ilsur
Metshin, the Mayor of Kazan.