(KZN.RU, April 23, Alsu Safina). A city subbotnik will be held in Kazan on May 5. As in previous years, the main focus will be on cleaning coastal water protection zones, urban forest, and parks. “The city subbotnik is always the culmination of a big general cleaning, after which the city becomes cleaner, more comfortable”, said Ilsur Metshin, the Mayor of Kazan, at the Business Monday. “It is important that the subbotnik be a nationwide one”.
The head of the city urged the heads of district administrations, management companies, and the Committee for External Improvement to take an active part in the subbotnik. “So our city would blossom with all colors to the May holidays”, said the Mayor.
“All the necessary organizational arrangements have been carried out for the subbotnik. A list of the territories has been determined, all the necessary machinery and equipment have been prepared”, reported Igor Kulyazhev, the deputy head of the Executive Committee and the chairman of the Committee for External Improvement. He said that work will be carried out in each district with the participation of enterprises, administrations, students of various institutions, residents identified areas. In particular, it will be forests along the streets Parin, Dubravnaya, Lebyazhie Lake, Kaban Lake, the Kazanka river, and many others. In addition, work will be organized in yards. Structural subdivisions of the Kazan Executive Committee will traditionally be involved in cleaning Russian-German Switzerland and the territory adjacent to the stadium “Kazan Arena”. “Applications are accepted from everyone who wishes to participate in the subbotnik”, said I. Kulyazhev. It is expected that 2000 enterprises and institutions will take part in the city subbotnik, and at least 600 units of equipment will be used.
A two-month sanitary cleaning program began in Kazan on April 1.