(KZN.RU, February 22, Ekaterina Vislavskaya). The number of fatal accidents at work in Kazan has almost halved in 2017 compared to 2016. Artur Valikhmetov, the chairman of the Committee of Economic Development, said this on the traditional report of the structural units of the Executive Committee to Ilsur Metshin, the Mayor of Kazan.
“Improving the standard of living is one of the main tasks. We carry out this work within the framework of the coordinating council on labor protection and the commission for raising the standard of living”, noted the head of the committee.
In 2017, 51 officially registered accidents occurred in production in Kazan, including 34 ones with severe consequences, 17 ones with a fatal outcome. For comparison, 26 accidents resulted in severe consequences in 2016, and 32 ones in the death of workers.
“Everybody follows this. The supervising ministry, the republican program, and the municipality are working. This year, there were no fatalities in MUPs”, added Ildar Shakirov, the deputy head covering the transport, economic development, and trade.
Activities of the City Commission for raising living standards and legalization of incomes were also discussed during the report. The commission held 146 meetings with the hearing of financial and economic work of 1268 organizations. The information on all revealed violations was sent to the territorial bodies of the Prosecutor's Office.
More than 17.6 thousand contracts and additional agreements on increasing wages were concluded in the city in 2017 thanks to this, almost 5.3 thousand employees made new contracts, leaving the gray labor market. In addition, 17 organizations repaid the debt for wages totaling more than 25 million rubles. For today, 11 organizations have a wage debt to their employees in the amount of 45.6 million rubles. 57.4% (27.3 million rubles) of the total debt falls to the competitive enterprise OOO “ServiceTeleCom”, the main activity of which is conducted in the Krasnodar Territory.
Compared to last year, the arrears decreased by 12% and by 2.4 times in comparison with 2010.