(KZN.RU, February 21, Ekaterina Vislavskaya). The XXIV reporting session of the Kazan City Duma will be held on February 28 in the City Hall. The session is scheduled for 10 am. This decision was made today at a meeting of the Presidium of the Kazan City Duma, which was chaired by Ilsur Metshin, the Mayor of Kazan. 8 out of 13 members of the Presidium attended the meeting, there was a quorum for making a decision.
The deputies will consider the following issues at the upcoming session:
1. Report on the activities of the Mayor of Kazan in 2017
2. Report on the activities of the Kazan City Duma in 2017
3. Report on the activities of the head of the Kazan Executive Committee and the activities of the Kazan Executive Committee for 2017
4. Report on the activities of the Control and Accounting Chamber for 2017
5. Report on the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Kazan
6. Report on the implementation of the Forecast Plan of Privatization of the Municipal Property of Kazan for 2017-2019 for 2017
7. About making amends to the Decision of the Kazan City Duma “On the Forecast Plan of Privatization of Kazan Municipal Property for 2017-2019”
8. About making amends to the Decision of the Kazan City Duma “On the Budget of the Kazan Municipality for 2018 and the Planning Period 2019-2020”
9. About making amends to the decision of the Kazan City Duma “On the procedure for identifying and dismantling illegally installed and/or illegally located movable property in the territory of Kazan”
10. About making amends to the Charter of the Kazan Municipality
11. About making amends to the boundaries of the municipal formation of Kazan
12. Different
In addition, Irina Dyabilkina, the head of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, proposed that the agenda of the session include the issue “On making amends to the Land Use and Development Rules” due to the changes in federal legislation.
Members of the Presidium also approved the work plan of the Kazan City Duma for 2018 and heard three reports. Airat Garipov, the chairman of the Standing Committee on Budget and Finance, Local Taxes, and Duties, said that the commission held 22 meetings for 2017, adopted 49 decisions, including jointly with other commissions. The roundtable meetings were held twice on the theme of the Strategy of Social and Economic Development of Kazan until 2030 and the financial security of the state powers transferred to the municipality in the social sphere. It was possible to increase funding for education in Kazan in 2018 due to the joint work of the deputies of the Kazan City Duma in the direction of appeals to the State Council of the RT and speech at parliamentary hearings. “Due to the fact that the norms, according to which the amount of allocated financial resources are determined, does not correspond to the current needs, the state powers delegated to the city in the sphere of education are not fully provided”, he explained. “As a result of joint work, the financing of the education sector for 2018 is envisaged with an increase of 10%”.
Liliya Bakulina, the chairman of the Standing Commission on Questions of Legality, Law and Order and Local Self-Government, told that the commission held an extended meeting together with the activists of the Traffic Police of the Russian Interior Ministry in Kazan, deputy heads of Kazan districts and structural divisions of the Executive Committee at the request of the districts’ heads. “The issue of child road traffic injuries, which is very important for Kazan, was considered. The deputies visited the schools of the city, whose students are most often caught in an accident, as well as the city administration, where they checked the work on the enforcement of the requirements of the traffic police”, she said.
The issue of defrauded shareholders is being resolved with the participation of the members of the permanent commission for town-planning and housing and communal services in Kazan, reported Emil Khusnutdinov, its chairman. An extended meeting of the standing committee together with deputies of the State Council of the RT, initiative groups, and representatives of the prosecutor's office was organized. As a result, the working group was established and recommendations for reducing the deadlines for delivery of problem houses are given. “Great attention was paid to the implementation of federal and regional housing programs”, he said.
“We see from the reports that a commissions hold systematic work with the Executive Committee and the population in between sessions. It is important to note that the commissions study in detail the state of issues on the ground when preparing the issues of the session. They visit facilities and get acquainted with the activities of structural units. Thanks to this approach, we get an objective conclusion about the state of every case in the city at the session. Conversations are always subject ones, many proposals are sent to the Executive Committee”, noted I. Metshin.