September 27, Mikhail Chentsov). Today, the deputies of the Kazan City Duma in
the course of the XX session decided to make a municipal program for the
further development of the nutrition system in social institutions. The meeting
was held in the Kazan Executive Committee under the conduction of Ilsur
Metshin, the head of the capital of the RT. The increase in the time for
lunchtime breaks, the expansion of canteens, and the providing school food
units with necessary technological equipment at the design stage of schools and
kindergartens are named among the activities that can be in the new program.
The main
speaker on the topic was Guzel Ananieva, the director of the MUE “Department of
Food and Social Catering”, who presented the results of the work to deputies.
“Now we supply food in 650 preschool, 218 general education, 8 secondary
special institutions, including 170 schools and 324 kindergartens in Kazan. The
needs of a growing organism are taken into account when developing the menu of
kindergartens and schools, only natural products are used in children dishes,
with the same price for all categories of children”, she said.
G. Ananieva
also drew the attention to the coverage percentage of hot meals for Kazan
schoolchildren, which has grown significantly in recent years: from 61% in
2015-2016 to 71.4% in 2016-2017. “The total coverage of catering of Kazan
schoolchildren in the last academic year was 92.4%”, she said. Guzel Ananieva
outlined the need to increase school lunchtime breaks.
addition, the director of the department noted that the menu assortment has
significantly expanded in this school year. G. Ananieva marked that thanks to
the internal reserves of the department, the enterprise entered the new school
year without raising the prices for food, and its cost has been kept unchanged
since April 2016.
Also, the
speaker noted the project “School Restaurant”, which significantly promotes the
healthy and proper catering. According to G. Ananieva, the project has fully
justified itself for 5 years of work, but it still needs improvement.
Ananieva also spoke about the need to improve interaction with specialized
educational institutions, with the students’ practice at the enterprises of the
Department with subsequent employment.
deputies of the Kazan City Duma asked the speaker a few questions that concern
residents of the capital of the RT.
Chernova, the deputy chairman of the permanent commission for protecting the
health of citizens and the environment, also said a few words about the
organization of catering in kindergartens and school of Kazan. She noted that
with the increase in the coverage of Kazan schoolchildren with hot meals, the
group of the digestive system diseases has moved to 3-4 places in recent years,
and the percentage of children with disabilities in physical development by
weight and growth rates decreased by 1.5 times. “At the same time, the deputies
have repeatedly noted that the introduced single menu should be expanded to
take into account the characteristics of children, distribute it by dietary and
sporting ways, by age. It is necessary to increase the time of food intake”,
she shared her opinion.
Metshin summed up the discussion. “As a result of our joint ten-year work, a
single progressive children's catering system was created that meets all modern
criteria and requirements of the Sanitary Rules and Regulations. There are no
analogs of such a system in Russia. Once again I want to emphasize the most
important results for us: reducing the illness of children, bringing the
coverage of schoolchildren with the hot meals to 92%. We introduced free food
for children from low-income families, thereby providing hot meals to every
single category of them. We pledge annually for these purposes and will
continue to provide funds from the city budget”, marked the Mayor.
At the same
time, the Mayor of Kazan noted that over the years of implementation of the
previous program there were problems with the supply of products, with
personnel, with the organization of work, complaints from the parents about the
quality of work. “However, together with the efforts of the Executive
Committee, the Education Department, the Catering Department, we solved all the
issues. Today, there are still unsolved problems and acute moments. I want to
draw your attention to the fact that we are not stopping work in this area. And
I ask the Executive Committee to develop a new municipal program, to carry out
all the priority measures to improve the catering system in schools and
kindergartens by broadening the existing experience to medical facilities in
the city”, said Ilsur Metshin.
“Also I ask
you to take into account in the further work the providing of the kitchen units
with the necessary equipment during their reconstruction. I ask the Department
not to stop the work on the variety of the menu taking into account the age of
children, to strengthen the control over the quality of the delivered products
in a dialogue with the parents' committees of our schools. I want to emphasize
once again that there is nothing more important than the health of our
children. And all our work is aimed at creating the necessary conditions for a
healthy lifestyle. And this is a part of Kazan's development strategy for the
future”, concluded the head of the city.