August 21, Mikhail Chentsov). Today at the Business Monday, Ilsur Metshin, the
Mayor of Kazan, noted that the co-financing by the population of the overhaul
program of the housing stock imposes obligations on the municipality to
residents and customers for the terms of the works.
Giniyatullin, the deputy head of the Executive Committee and the chairman of
the Housing and Utilities Committee, reported that work on the overhaul of
multi-apartment houses is completed by 83% and will be finished by October. The
overhaul in 23 houses is fully finished, another 177 houses are under
completion. The total cost of works on the overhaul of multi-apartment houses
this year is 1.5 billion rubles. 813.7 million rubles (54.2%) of these were
collected by the owners of premises, 396.44 million rubles were allocated from
the republican budget, and 290.9 million rubles are from the municipal budget.
Metshin, the Mayor of Kazan, also noted that the overhaul program is constantly
being modernized. In particular, a new type of work this year was the
installation of automated individual heat points. They will appear by the
beginning of the heating season in 1115 apartment buildings and 165 budgetary
installation of individual heat points is a big step forward. There are a lot
of positive in this program: the water consumption decreases, there is no need
to fix the renovated courtyards every year, to lay new networks, people begin
to save without spilling water and without waiting for it to become hot.
Therefore, it is necessary to explain, show, convince the population to
participate in this program at the meetings with residents in those houses
where they still have doubts”, marked the Mayor of Kazan.