October 3, Alsu Safina). Ilsur Metshin, the Mayor of Kazan, urged the heads of
districts and networkers to respond quickly on all requests of residents on a
heat start. Kazan citizens can ask questions about a heat start on the hotline
of the Housing Committee by phone 292-21-02, 292-61-37 and in the system “Open
Kazan”, where the special tab “Start of the heat” organized.
Giniyatullin, the deputy head of the Executive Committee and the chairman of
the Housing Committee, reported today at the Business Monday that 100% of the
social and fiscal sphere objects are connected to the heating system. Heat is
applied in full.
Only 29
(0.5%) of apartment buildings from 5213, equipped with a heating system, are
not connected. “Three houses are connected with the launch of departmental
sources of Vakhitovsky and Privolzhsky districts. Other 26 are small house
management companies, HOA, HBC and departmental objects”, said I. Giniyatullin.
“I urge the heads of these agencies and organizations do not abuse the trust of
their people and ensure a heat start in full”.
chairman of the Housing Committee marked that there were not any big problems
and comments on a heat start. “Traditionally damaged thermal networks occur at
the time of changing the hydraulic thermal mode during the heat start. This
year they were recorded in Novo-Savinovsky district and Azino and were promptly
eliminated. At present, there are no problems with a heat start”, he said.
“Commissioning mode will be completed this week, I think we will avoid
complaints”, added the speaker.
Giniyatullin reminded that the heating season was officially launched on
September 19. The heat was supplied in the early in social institutions and at
the request of Kazan citizens in some apartment houses from September 12.
chairman of the Housing Committee also noted that the tradition hotline was
established in the Housing Committee, which started to work on September 19.