(Kazan City
KZN.RU, April 30, Zilya Gayfi). Active preparations for a fire-dangerous period
began in Kazan. In the event of a threat, 5 points of temporary accommodation
with a capacity of 1195 people were developed for residents of housing estates.
This was announced today at the Business Monday in the City Hall of Kazan by the
head of Civil Protection Office of the Executive Committee Ferdinand
the term of a special fire-fighting mode from 5 to 20 May the burning of
garbage and grass in the city is prohibited. For timely notification and
evacuation at the threat of wildfires notification scheme is developed.
According to Ferdinand Timurhanov, special concern cause illegal dumps of garbage
and construction waste. Since the beginning of the dry season the possibility
of fire here increases many times. According to him, the acrid smoke of burning
waste clouds whole streets, it is very difficult to extinguish such a fire, and
it is necessary to shed the entire waste with water layer to the ground.
F.Timurhanov gave the example of an unauthorized garbage dump in the territory
belonging to individual entrepreneur Livshits. Last year the fire brigade
went to this point 15 times. Head of the Civil Protection Department called the
city prosecutor's office and environmental to identify the perpetrators and
take measures to eliminate the dumping.
areas bordering with forest are traditionally under the scrutiny of
firefighters. According to Ferdinand Timurhanov, established fire safety
regulations in the distance of 50 meters for single-storey and 100 meters for
multi-storey buildings are violated by developers that do not allow creating mineralized
strips prescribed by fire safety rules.
As the head
of the Civil Protection Department told, residential areas, fire fighting in
which is provided on the water towers, are now actively tested in Kazan. Thus,
according to results of an inspection, it was found that device for sampling
water meets specifications only in the residential area Krasnooktyabrsky.
Ferdinand Timurhanov also raised the issue of the construction of piers for the
abstraction of water for fire engines at lakes Deep, Small Deep and Lebyazhe.
Metshin instructed the Office of Civil Protection to carry out checks in
residential areas in order to identify the non-working fire-fighting equipment actively
and encouraged the heads of districts and specialists of "Vodokanal"
to keep the matter under personal control. "We need to check all the
pressure towers and the place of connection to the fire hydrants in the
residential areas, where it is necessary react to all comments after checking.
In paralle, we need to continue preventive work with the population. Fire
safety is our collective responsibility. We cannot deal with the threats only with
one fire services. It is important to bring to citizens how to protect
themselves and their children and not to harm the nature in a simple and
accessible way", - the head of the city stressed.