(KZN.RU, April 4). The Mayor of
Kazan took part in XXXVI plenary session of the Congress of Local and Regional
Authorities of the Council of Europe. The event was held from April 2 to April
4 in Strasbourg.
Forum is devoted to the topic
«Mayors on the democracy guard». The head of the capital city of the RT is the
deputy chairman of the Committee on Current Issues of the Congress and he
presents the country as a part of Russian delegation according to the Decree of
President of the Russian Federation. Youth experts from the capital city of the
RT, the delegates of Europe countries took part in the work of the Congress.
Ilsur Metshin spoke at the plenary
meeting as a co-speaker on topic «Protection of social rights of the youth: the
role of local and regional authorities». He noted that the issues connected
with access to social rights for the
youth are increasingly being heard today. In particular, this also applies to
Kazan, there are more than 40% of the population younger than 35 years in the
city. «Formation of inclusive society, where young people can live with
dignity, have family and develop in various areas with the equal access to
social rights is our priority. We develop the youth activity. More than 70% of
the establishments of youth policy were updated for the last 3 years in Kazan.
More than 50 objects is the largest network of the centres of social service of
children and youth in Russia», - said the Mayor of Kazan.
In Kazan the specific attention is paid to heightening
the professionalism of specialists on work with youth, the system of student
grants and training for upgrade the skills and employment of the youth, the
program on material and administrative support young families in obtaining
housing. «The world championship WorldSkills-2019 will raise the prestige of
the working professions among youth to all Russia, it is scheduled for this
August in Kazan», - noted I.Metshin.
As well he reminded colleagues of International
workshop in support the youth to social rights together with Council of Europe
and Russian partners which was held in Kazan last October. About 50
participants from 19 countries visited the event.
«Involving of the youth with disabilities and special
health needs in decision-making process in the youth field is our important
growth point. We want the voice of all youth groups to be heard, we desire
their problems to be understood by local authorities, and their ideas to be
realised», - emphasised I.Metshin. As well he
supported the Youth Department of the Council of Europe initiative to
hold the event Enter youth week entitled
«Our rights. Our life».
In summary, the Mayor of Kazan assured the
participants of the Congress of the readiness and ability to respond to global
challenges on local level. «We firmly believe that the joint work with youth
and for youth is one of the most important conditions for successful and
sustainable development of cities, regions and countries», - summarized he.
Within the framework of visit to Strasbourg, as well the
head of the city visited the European Youth centre, where he met with Tina
Mulkakhi, the director of the centre, and Kazan Youth experts studying the
intercultural experience with coach and Council of Europe experts