(KZN.RU, March 25, Ksenia Shvetsova). In Kazan it is planned to open a multi-tasking psychologist-pedagogical centre for work with difficult teenagers - it will be located on 8 March street, 4 and will cover the youth of the risk group in Sovetsky district of Kazan. Airat Faizov, the chairman of the Committee on Children and Youth Affairs, told about it and reported the work of city social service centre of the youth «Trust». Ilsur Metshin, the Mayor of Kazan, entrusted to employ additional resources with difficult teenagers and to adjust a more close co-operation with profile republic departments.
The project «Expand the horizons!» will cover 150 teenagers in difficult vital situation
Work with youth requiring especially attention is led in Kazan by the city social service centre of the youth «Trust» based on which the first services on work with the youth of the risk group were created in Tatarstan. For example, the service of complex tracking of conventionally-condemned minor children «Yuventa» and the psychologist-pedagogical service «Serdash» on the children's aftercare who were subjected to violence are without parallel in the other cities of the republic.
Today 128 specialists works at the centre «Trust» created in 1995, 51 of them are the qualified psychologists. «In centre specialists' attention there are minor children who received conventional term of penalization, the youth having dependence from psychoactive medicines, as well as schoolers and students caught to difficult vital situation», - said А.Faizov. He added today 958 teenagers, and even more than 600 children are in a socially-dangerous situation and stand in the way of the account in the Juvenile Police Unit.
The service «Yuventa» based on the centre «Trust» holds annually about 80 probationers under the patronage. After adjudgment about conditional punishment they go to «Yuventa» from the units of the Directorate of the Federal Prison Service of the RT for their social adaptation.
«Work of our specialists on restorative mediation was noted on the All-Russian level, - А. Faizov told. - It allowed to win the All-Russian competition and to involve grant at a rate of two million roubles for a two-year project «Expand the horizons!». The start of the project is planned from April 1». As the speaker explained, the project essence consists of the supporting of the youth in difficult vital situation and socialization of minor children in conflict with law. It is planned to cover 150 teenagers by the project, a supervisor will be attached to each participant. «For 2 years we plan to connect and to adapt these children through vocational guidance, socially-useful work, including volunteering», - added the chairman of the Committee on Children and Youth Affairs.
On the average the Child Helpline receives 650 references for a month
«The Family club» is based on the centre «Trust». Beginning the interaction with a child, the specialists in dialogue with him reveal parent-child relational problems, and such families are under the patronage. Last year 38 such families came to the attention of the centre. They were provided with psychological consultations and attended therapy groups. Through the master-classes, leisure, visiting of sights and cultural objects of the city and republic aimed at providing the skills and opportunities to families that will enhance their position in society. «All the excursions for families are absolutely free, the financing is being funded through extrabudgetary resources”, - noted А.Faizov.
The Child Helpline has been working since 2007. The Helpline in round-the-clock mode has received more than 50 thousand references from children, parents and specialists working with children. Since September 1, 2010 Kazan service of children's telephone hotline one of the first in the country has been connected to uniform All-Russian number of children's telephone hotline 8-800-2000-122 and takes calls from any region of the Republic of Tatarstan anonymously and free. On the average the Child Helpline receives 650 references for a month.
«Only good specialists work at the centre «Trust». Today they takes calls not only from Kazan, but also all over the RT - it says a lot about their level», - noted Ilsur Metshin.
Work in schools: the prevention of bulling and services of reconciliation
Bulling continues to remain really urgent and important for some educational institutions of the city. According to words of А.Faizov, mainly children are hunted down, they have features in psycho-emotional development that it is reflected on their behaviour and causes ridicule by their peers. 48 schools approached the specialists of the centre «Trust» on the prevention of bulling in 2018.
The activity of the centre «Trust» is presented in schools as the work on organisation and tracking of School services of reconciliation which have the experience during more than 45 years of resistance. «Teachers-psychologists learn schoolers to have knowledge in their emotions, to resolve conflicts and disputable situations, to have an independent point of view, distinct from the collective, and to take into account interests at the same time of others, - explained the speaker. - Today in Kazan 53 schools participate in the program of School services of reconciliation, this experiment turned out successful and from the beginning of this year we begin to to become involved in the work all schools of the city together with the Department of Education of Kazan».
Besides schools, the system of work with all universities is built which entered to Co-ordinating council of psychological services of high schools in Kazan. Based on three educational institutions there are the cabinets of the specialists of the centre «Trust», where standard psychologists are absent and where students receive daily qualified psychological help.
I.Metshin: «It is necessary not simply to continue work, and endeavour to open up new levels»
Today all the city is covered by the activity of the centre «Trust», but its departaments are in Western and South West parts of Kazan. As А.Faizov noted, for this reason, difficulties often appear in work with other city districts, and he also added that opening of teachers-psychologists' cabinets in large teenage clubs helps to solve this problem. In the long term there is supplying of availability of «Trust» services for the population of Sovetsky, Privolzhsky and Vakhitovsky districts.
In Kazan it is planned to open a multi-tasking psychologist-pedagogical centre for work with difficult teenagers - it will be located on 8 March street, 4. «It will be the ninth centre separation «Trust». Now we with Ministry of the Committee on Youth Affairs define the sources of financing, in order to conduct overhaul and to cover Sovetsky district by this work. The conception and centre design have been already developed», - said А.Faizov. However, there is no profile program of overhaul for psychological centres, he added.
Ilsur Metshin called the top managers in the associated functional structures and committees to speed up work on interaction with the specialists of the centre. «The centre «Trust» works a lot, it is not so visible, but is very important to us. There are the teenagers who do not live in families, somebody are placed in foster care in our city. It is necessary to care of them, to work in this direction, including - within the project «Kind Kazan», - said the Mayor of Kazan. He reminded as well that not so long ago the Ministry of Youth of the RT was created in Tatarstan which was headed by Damir Fattakhov, the Minister of Youth of the RT, who was responsible for social matters in the Executive Committee of the city for a long time, and called to adjust a more close co-operation with department. «Our Minister knows these problems from the inside, therefore it is necessary to work together. It is necessary to involve additional human and financial resources, and not simply to continue this work, and endeavour to open up new levels», - summarized the Mayor.