(KZN.RU, March 25, Ksenia Shvetsova). In Kazan it is planned to update 32 city and settlement streets and 19 sidewalks, also to provide supportive funds for the renovation of streets along the route participants of the WorldSkills Kazan 2019 championship will take this year. Due to the federal project «Safe and high-quality roads» and the funds from republic budget the roads will be reconstracted and the complex works of repairing of underground networks, the installation of traffic signs and the public spaces for improvement will also be conducted, as Ilsur Metshin, the Mayor of Kazan, noted today at the Business Monday.
First and foremost, streets of which some citizens complain will be repaired
Igor Kulyazhev, the deputy head of the Executive Committee and the chairman of the Committee for External Improvement, reported about the program of the road repair. He reminded that for the last 2 years in Kazan 360 roads were presented to standard condition that it would run all the way from Kazan to Samara, including 81 settlement roads and 10 tracks to garden associations, and 770 yards.
This year 3 bn 250 million roubles are provided for road works - 2 bn 250 million roubles are allocated from republic budget and 1 bn roubles are from federal budget. The federal project «Safe and high-quality motor roads» is planned to repair roads of 32 city and settlements streets and 19 sidewalks with the total area of 674 thousand square metres. The formation of the program was carried out taking into account the applications of the system «People’s Control», as well as the All-Russian Popular Front project «Map of the Dead Roads».
Separately Igor Kulyazhev reminded the roads, where repair began last year and would continue this one. «Because of big amount of works of service lines displacement, and weather conditions the stacking of ultimate top layers of asphalt on Magistralnaya street in Privolzhsky district, on Maksimov street from Leningrad to Dementev streets, and the section of Big Kazan Ring from Orenburg road to Midkhat Bulatov street was transferred this year. These works will be completed due to favourable weather conditions», - explained the speaker.
New parking zones, driveways and the construction of the Big Kazan Ring
The program of road works will be combined with the public spaces for improvement. So, according to Igor Kulyazhev's words, within the expansion up to four bands Dubravnaya street, on the section of Rikharda Zorge street to Bezymany lane, is planned to be equipped with special sidewalks and pedestrian crossing for the visitors of the «Dubrava» park. And on street Absalyamov for comfort of the visitors of The «White flowers» square will be equipped with 85 new parking zones, driveways and sidewalks.
«To raise the safety of traffic in the places of road traffic accidents it is planned to execute the complex of measures on their prevention», - the speaker said and also added that 108 sections were discovered in the city, where 24 traffic lights, 280 traffic signs, 34 kms of safety fences and 91 artificial road roughness will be installed.
According to the general plan of the city for 2019, the construction of Big Kazan ring on the section from Midkhat Bulatov street to Boriskovskaya street with a length of 800 metres will continue this year. The reorganization of existing service lines, construction of the overpass through Fermskoe highway, the networks of storm water drain, illumination, tram line and the elements of safety of traffic are included into the complex of works. In the long term, the works construction is planned to be got to the road on Tikhoreckaya street.
75 objects of the real estate in Boriskovo settlement are located at a road border crossing. Today, according to to Igor Kulyazhev's words, preparation of necessary documentation for their ransom is conducted to buy them back from their current owners. As Ilsur Metshin noted, the main thing is to conduct all in legal order and to take into consideration interests of all owners. It is necessary that everything will be paid in time and under the law.
In the end Igor Kulyazhev added that the roadway design of a new section from Nesmelov street to future eco-district near the 32nd Military town is scheduled this year. The volume of allocated funds to roads repair is less, than in the past. However, the decision for allocation of additional ones to streets updating for the renovation of streets along the route participants of the WorldSkills Kazan 2019 championship has been already accepted, the Mayor of Kazan also added.