(KZN.RU, January 21, Alena Miroshnichenko). The highest rate has been achieved for the entire period of the system’s “People’s control” operation. In 2018, the share of positively resolved applications was 76% with the indicator set by the Cabinet of Ministers of the RT at 50%. Thus, over 21 thousand applications were decided in 2018. Elena Toscheva, the head of the Directorate for Control and Anti-Corruption Work, announced such data at the Business Monday today.
During 2018, the municipality received more than 62 thousand complaints through various communication channels. They were sent through the Internet reception, in writing, through instructions based on the program “Theme” with the participation of the Mayor of Kazan, instructions from higher authorities, sending ministries and departments, instructions based on media reports, and also in the form of applications through the state information system “People's control”.
“Working with citizens' appeals is not only our duty, but also an activity planning tool. This is a litmus test of the citizens’ problems”, said Elena Toscheva in her report. She spoke about the specifics of appeals through various channels. Thus, the system “People's control” was initially intended as a tool to attract citizens to promptly inform about minor problems in the housing sector and create comfortable conditions for the urban environment. Therefore, the work on the application usually does not require much time and large financial resources. Those of them that come directly to the municipality relate to issues of a more global nature or contain requests for clarification of some issues.
In the past two years, management takes over the control for citizens’ complaints addressed by the media. “In total, over 500 such appeals were worked out over the year. The resolving number on them is 86%. So, last year, the top three included materials on breaks in water supply networks. This once again confirms the fact that these networks are worn out and the need to make decisions. Citizens also complain to the media about flooded basements, cleaning sidewalks, the smell of sewage, lack of street lighting, irregular traffic”, the speaker noted the most urgent issues in 2018, according to city residents.
Elena Toscheva also mentioned examples of solving topical issues. For a long time, there were complaints about the movement of the bus route №71. With the assistance of the Committee on Transport, the entrepreneur serving the route purchased additional buses, which solved the problem.
The Mayor noted this work. “They have taken an additional job, because they have no direct obligation. But it is right that we track any appeals of our citizens and help them solve their problems”, he said.
In total, about 86 thousand applications were received in the “People’ control” for the period of the system’s work. This is more than 45% of the total number in the republic. Every year their number grows; just last year, the growth was 26%. “The dynamics of the resolved notifications are also positive. With the indicator set by the Cabinet of Ministers of the RT at 50%, our figure is 76%. Thus, over 201 thousand notifications have been resolved for 2018”, marked the speaker.
Elements of competition between the structural units of the City Hall are used in order to coordinate the general work in management. The leaders receive monthly information on the achieved rates in the “People's control”: the number of notifications resolved, the dynamics of the decisions of those that are on execution for a long time. “This brings its results, of course”, assured E. Toscheva. “Sariya Saburskaya, the main moderator of the system, the ombudsman for human rights in the RT, provides great support to the work. On her initiative, regular meetings are held to consider notifications that have been in the system for a long time. As a result, she communicates our problems and funding needs to the leadership of the republic.
Ilsur Metshin, the Mayor of Kazan, also noted the contribution of Sariya Saburskaya, who not only successfully manages this area, but also in a timely and principled manner brings the received information to the government. He cited the repair of Magistralnaya Street as one of the examples of successful cooperation. Thanks to the activity of the residents, they managed to secure funds for the repairs. “This is one of the thousands of examples that have found their solution thanks to the “People's control”, said the Mayor.
“The result we achieved by resolved notifications is 76%; it is the highest since the system has been in operation. It obliges us to a lot, we should not slow down. The Cabinet of Ministers of the RT has increased the minimum indicator for resolved notifications from 50 to 55%. And for us, it should be at least 76%. Citizens show activity, informing the municipality about violations in the urban environment, sending photos and exact addresses of applications, and we must make every effort to provide for them”, E. Toscheva concluded her report.
In the opinion of the Mayor of the capital of the RT, the “People's control” is an effective tool in working out citizens' appeals. “It has been for us a working tool for interacting with residents. It is very important to keep up to speed, constantly listening, hearing and solving the problems that Kazan citizens are telling us about. This is a good system, a good tool, which we are developing in the daily communication with residents. Thanks to this system, we know our sore spots”, said I. Metshin. He urged the leaders to pay attention to this work and to make it work equally well in all structures.