(KZN.RU, December 8). The XVIII Congress of the United Russia Political Party was held in Moscow at the International Exhibition Center “Crocus Expo”. A joint meeting of the Supreme and General Councils of the party was held within the framework of the Congress. Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, took part in the plenary meeting of the XVIII Congress, where he made a presentation. The delegates identified the tasks and current directions of the party’s work for the next year.
Tatarstan was represented at the Congress by Rustam Minnikhanov, the President of the RT, Farid Mukhametshin, the chairman of the State Council of the RT, Ilsur Metshin, the Mayor of Kazan, and others.
About 3500 participants from all over Russia attended the congress. Delegates from regional branches of parties, heads of ministries and departments, deputies of the State Duma, representatives of the regional executive and legislative bodies, secretaries of regional political councils of the party, experts, and others were among them.
During the plenary session, Vladimir Putin noted that the main task for United Russia is to maintain the authority of party members. The President also mentioned that candidates without a clear program for the development of the country should not come to power at any level.
Also, Vladimir Putin urged members of the United Russia party to work for the result, and not go around in circles. “Your representatives are everywhere, in all authorities and spheres of activity. And of course, in the absolute majority, they are decent, professional people, Russian patriots. However, we must also say this honestly for it happens always and everywhere, at all times and in all places. There are those who take advantage of the conjuncture and lean against the government, especially the leading political force”, said Vladimir Putin.
The XVIII Congress of “United Russia” is held on December 7-8, 2018. On the first day of the Congress, there were three discussion platforms: “Renewal”, “Openness” and “Leadership”. Participants and delegates summed up the results of regional pre-congress discussions “Renewal-2018”, suggested approving the ideological preamble to the party charter, ethical standards for members of “United Russia”, creating a commission on ethics, introducing grant support for socially significant projects of the party primary organizations, and made other proposals.
Today, on the second day of the Congress, Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, and Dmitry Medvedev, the chairman of the United Russia Party, the Prime Minister, take part in it. As part of the Congress, a program forum is held in the format of discussion platforms devoted to the implementation of the party’s program for 2018: “Growth Economics”, “Life Quality”, “Urban Environment and Clean Country”, “Rural Development”.