(KZN.RU, October 4, Ksenia Shvetsova). The number of excellent students in the Unified State Exam in Kazan in three subjects significantly exceeded the average results in Russia. This was announced today in the City Hall at the city forum “Pride of the Teacher in the Students”. Ilsur Metshin, the Mayor of Kazan, and teachers who prepared the excellent students in 2018 took part in it.
69 teachers who prepared 89 absolutely excellent students discussed how Kazan graduates showed themselves in the Unified State Examination of this year in the City Hall today. Special attention was paid to those subjects in which the results of the Kazan children significantly exceeded the all-Russian ones. Thus, in 2018 young chemists made up 10% of the total number of excellent grades in Russia in all subjects, while in Kazan 22.5% of excellent grades were distinguished precisely in chemistry.
The informatics figures are even higher. Kazan children cope with all the tasks on this subject for all excellent grades 4 times more often than graduates in Russia in general. In the country, this subject has been aced by 4% of the total number of excellent students, while in Kazan this number was 17%.
There is a reason for pride for biology teachers. In 2018, the total number of excellent students in Russia in all subjects, young biologists accounted for only about 1%, while there was 5.5% in Kazan. Every ninth excellent student in Russia in biology is a graduate of Kazan schools.
The Mayor of Kazan noted that such impressive results speak about the high quality of education in the capital of Tatarstan. “We evaluate the quality of school education according to different criteria, including the number of excellent grades. This is today an indicator that speaks about the quality of education and teaching in our schools. We are happy for our children, who showed the best results not only in the Unified State Examination, but also in competitions”, said I. Metshin. “Just last year, there were 89 excellent students in Kazan, which is 2 times more than last year. These children are our stars, of which we are proud”.
Elena Sirazieva, a chemistry teacher at the gymnasium №179 of the Novo-Savinovsky district, said that the main thing to success for a graduate is self-confidence. “The teacher must transmit his confidence to the student, this is necessary”, said E. Sirazieva. “We have 4 people scored 98 points each, that is, we made only one mistake. This indicates interest. It is necessary to ignite the fire in the eyes of children, then the children will not let it be extinguished, because the thirst for knowledge will live in them. It will make them develop further, move forward, improve”.
This year, almost twice as many graduates than last year achieved maximum results in the Unified State Exam. The largest number of students (10 people) were prepared by the teachers of the school №131, 7 people from the IT-Lyceum of the KFU, 5 people each were the graduates of the school of the KFU and the gymnasium №122.