(KZN.RU, November 15, Anton Nozdrin). State and city awards
were presented at the XXI session of the Kazan City Duma. Alexey Sukhov, the
deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the RF in the Volga
Federal District, and Ilsur Metshin, the Mayor of Kazan, conducted the awarding
The gratitude of the Chairman of the Federation Council of
the Federal Assembly of the RF was declared for many years of dedicated work,
great contribution to the development of local self-government in the Russian
Federation, and active public service. Ilsur Metshin was commended by the
Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the RF in the Volga Federal
District for his active work and great personal contribution to the development
of local self-government in the territory of the Volga Federal District.
Andrey Egorov, the director of MUP “Vodokanal”, a deputy of
the State Council of the RT, was awarded a medal for valorous work and a letter
of gratitude of the Mayor of Kazan for his great contribution to the
development of the housing and communal services industry and many years of
productive work. Valentin Romanov, the head of the Economic Development
Department of the Administration of the Vakhitovskiy and Privolzhsky Districts
of Kazan, received a medal for services in the development of local
self-government in the RT for his services in enhancing the effectiveness of
local self-government bodies and contributing to the social and economic
development of Kazan. Rushaniya Fayzrakhmanova, the deputy chairman of the
Control and Accounts Chamber of Kazan, received the gratitude of the President
of the RT for her many years of productive work in the field of financial
control. The gratitude of the President of the RT was announced to Minvasyl
Shafigullin, the imam of the mosque at Ometievo settlement of the Kazan
mukhtasibat, for his contribution to the development of religious and moral
traditions, the strengthening of peace and inter-confessional accord.
Albert Fakhrutdinov, the general director of the ZAO
“Kulon”, a deputy of the State Council of the RT, was awarded the distinction
for work and valor for Kazan's benefit and the letter of gratitude of the Mayor
of Kazan for long-term dedicated work and contribution to the social and
economic development of the city. Ravil Shavaleev, a deputy of the Kazan City
Duma, was awarded the distinction for work and valor for Kazan's benefit for
many years of dedicated work and contribution to the development of physical
culture and sports in Kazan. The letter of gratitude of the Mayor of Kazan was
given to Alexander Polivin, the director of the MC “District Housing
Directorate of the Sovetsky District”, a deputy of the Kazan City Duma, for
many years of dedicated work and his great contribution to the development of
the housing and communal services in the city.