July 15). Today, Ilsur Metshin, the Mayor of Kazan, met with Frederic Valle,
general secretary of the European branch of the United Cities and Local
Government. They discussed the prospects for the development of the
organization and options for the most effective use of the UCLG site to support
the city-members of the organization. The meeting was held at the venue of the
Kazan Sabantuy.
The meeting
between Ilsur Metshin and Frederic Valle took place on the eve of the election
of the general secretary of the World Organization, which will be held in
December. The general secretary of the European Branch of the UCLG is one of
the candidates for this position. In this regard, it was important for Frederic
Valle to personally meet and discuss the prospects for cooperation with the
Mayor of one of the most important cities in the world stage. Moreover, Ilsur
Metshin is president of the Eurasian branch of the World Organization and one
of the active members of the organization participating in the life of the
Metshin noted that the UCLG organization should become a family of mayors, a
platform where they could exchange successful practices, necessary for the
development of cities.
Metshin cited as example cooperation with Anne Hidalgo, the Mayor of Paris, who
was interested in studying Kazan's experience in organizing and winning
campaigns. Kazan happily shared the experience, and productive joint work with
Paris was held to support the capital of France in the bid campaign for the
right to host the Olympics-2024. “This is a good example of what a great place
the UCLG is for exchanging experience and how an organization can serve as a
platform for opportunities”, marked I. Metshin.
The Mayor
noted that it is important for cities to share both positive and negative
experiences so that other cities can learn from other’s mistakes.
participants of the meeting discussed the direction, in which it is necessary
to build work in the framework of the UCLG. So that the activities of the
organization maximally meet the needs of the cities in it.
Sagitov, the general secretary of the Eurasian Branch of the UCLG, and Evgenia
Lodvigova, the first deputy head of the municipal formation of Kazan, also took
part in the meeting.
The World
Organization “United Cities and Local Government” is a voluntary international
merger of associations, unions, and individual municipal entities, established
in 2004 to effectively implement the citizens' rights to local self-government.
For today, the UCLG unites more than 1000 cities and associations of the world
and represents more than half of the population of the planet. The organization
consists of 7 regional branches.
Eurasian regional office is the youngest and the fastest in growing. It
includes more than 100 cities and associations of local authorities of the CIS
countries and Mongolia. The headquarters of the Eurasian office is located in