November 23). The state program of energy saving and energy efficiency
improvement up to 2020 should be complemented by serious educational unit.
Ilsur Metshin, the Mayor of Kazan, made this proposal today at the
International Forum on Energy Efficiency and Energy Development “ENES-2016” in
“A new way
to manage the economy is associated with the understanding that resources are
finite. Climate change and exhaustible natural resources are in the first row
among the most important global issues of relevance to all, without exception,
countries and regions. Implementation of energy efficiency programs will allow
reducing energy consumption and thus emissions without sacrificing economic
growth”, said the head of the Tatarstan’s capital, speaking to the mayors of
Dublin, Bottrop, Hyderabad, Greater Manchester and other cities that took part
in the Global Forum.
The Mayor
of Kazan said that energy efficiency, that is achievement of the same results
with fewer resources through the use of advanced technologies, is an objective
and perceived need today, a necessary condition for improving the economy's
competitiveness, budget savings and minimization of the growth of the
population payments for utility services.
Metshin paid special attention to Kazan and Tatarstan experience. “The energy
intensity of gross regional product fell by 40% in 10 years in the republic,
and it had happened at the same time with the growth of population life
quality. Kazan has always been among the leaders in terms of reducing the
consumption of fuel and energy resources. At the end of 2015 the gross
territorial product of the city is 604.3 billion rubles, or 10 billion USA
dollars. Since 2010, it has grown by 88% while emissions increased by less than
11%”, said I. Metshin.
to the Mayor of Kazan, results have been achieved thanks to a combination of
measures: improving energy efficiency programs are implemented at all without
exception the largest enterprises of Kazan, in the field of public transport,
budget organizations and housing and communal services. In general, the volume
of investments, attracted from various sources for the implementation of energy
saving measures, in Kazan was about 7 billion rubles for the last five years.
As an
example, Ilsur Metshin has mentioned the large-scale reform of the transport
system: instead of 2500 small capacity buses, twice smaller bus fleet serves
passenger today. At the same time all the buses large and medium capacity
switched to the environmental standard engines not lower than “Euro-3”, which
helped to reduce harmful emissions by half.
The Mayor
of Kazan drew particular attention to the existing system of automated metering
of energy in the city. “One hundred percent of energy consumption and keeping
the water in the housing stock and the public sector is adjusted in Kazan. The
accuracy of records, simultaneously readings from the meters, and control of
emergencies significantly reduce payments for energy resources. Nodes of heat
energy weather regulation are established where it is technically and
economically feasible. This has allowed maintaining of a comfortable
environment for living, while reducing the costs of thermal energy up to 30%”,
he said.
The Mayor
also spoke about the modernization of the central hot water supply system
(replacement of central heating units on individual automated ones has already
helped to reduce the loss of thermal energy by 20-40%), replacement of
pipelines, boilers and complex automation of energy efficiency measures. “The
economic effect from the implementation of a measures package on energy saving
in housing stock only in thermal energy for 2011-2015 years is amounted to 1.9
million Gcal, which is equivalent to 2 billion rubles”, said the Mayor of
according to Ilsur Metshin, energy conservation and efficiency cannot be fully
achieved if this ideology will not be understood and taken up by residents of
the city. Therefore, improving the overall culture of energy consumption is
necessary. “The education of energy saving culture must begin in kindergartens
and continue in schools. Saving energy should be not only profitable, but also
prestigious”, said the Mayor. “In addition to prosecution for violations, we
need to consider economic incentives for businesses and households, conducting
energy saving measures, such as tax incentives. It is also necessary to develop
the industry of energy saving technologies, to develop the legal base for the
development of energy services, to create a modern and comfortable for the
population and business system of utilization of energy efficient equipment
that has outlived its useful life”.
At the end
of his speech, Ilsur Metshin marked that each contribution in saving natural
resources is important, and urged all participants to join the Declaration of
Mayors on energy efficiency and sustainable urban development.