(KZN.RU, 8 August, Alsu Safina). Ilsur Metshin, the Mayor of Kazan, urged to analyze the USE results of Kazan educational institutions to the August pedagogical conference on Business Monday. “We need an analysis; there must be gradation in order to understand which school has grown. For example, there is one excellent student in the school, but it is important to know the average score of the institution”, said the Mayor.
According to Ilsur Hadiullin, the head of Education Department, the greater number of excellent students were prepared by teachers of K(P)FU and №131 (9 students), gymnasium №19 and №102 (3 students), and gymnasium №6, 7, 21, 139 and IT-lyceum (2 students).
“We spend more than half of the city budget for education, and we do it deliberately, with the understanding that only people themselves are able to change lives for the better and young people are prepared by the education system. We want them to be prepared, competitive, aimed for success, have faith in the fact that they are the best of the best”, said I. Metshin.
“All educational institutions, which turned out to be a so-called bottom of the standings the last year, have improved their results. I put this problem in the educational conference and would like once again to talk about it with teachers and directors' corps”, said the head of the city. “It is necessary to analyze the educational institutions, which were at the bottom, to find out the reasons why it happened. We have to draw the bottom to the middle, and not only deal with those who give excellent students”, he said.
According to Ilsur Hadiullin, 50 graduates received 100 points in a Unified State Exam in Kazan. 3 Kazan graduates (from Lyceum under KFU, the, lyceum №131 and gymnasium №21) got 100 points in two subjects. The Mayor of Kazan asked in which universities these students went. “It would be good if they remained in Kazan”, he commented.
Number of excellent works on the Russian language has been increased from 17 to 30 compared with the previous year, in mathematics - from 0 to 10. In addition, graduates have shown the best results in such subjects as literature, chemistry, biology, geography, physics and informatics, said Ilsur Hadiullin on Business Monday. Social science (the subject was chosen by 43.5% of graduates), physics (28%), biology (15.2%), chemicals (13%), history (12.7%) were popular among graduates also.
More than 3 million works of Kazan graduates (5326 Kazan students passed the exam this year) were evaluated at 80 points and above. The amount of High level work in mathematics increased in more than 2 times, the Russian language and informatics in 1.5 times. And in general, the results of the Kazan students improved in 10 of 14 subjects.
Ilsur Hadiullin marked that the results of the USE are higher than Russian’s in basic subjects and than national in all subjects except geography and mathematics of basic level. Thus, the average score of the exam on the Russian language in Kazan was 73.6 points (it is 3.2 points more than last year). Score in profiling math average increased from 51 to 54.4 points, in mathematics of basic level from 4 to 4.2 points.
The head of Education Department presented a table, which compares the average score of the Kazan graduates exam in various subjects with graduates of Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk and Omsk.
“Exam results confirm that our graduates and the education system of Tatarstan and its capital are preparing the best students”, assured the mayor. “According to the number of Olympiad winners we are third in Russia, although in the number of students we are not in the top three”, he said. “All of this shows the work of system and attention of the republic leadership to the educational system”.
Ilsur Hadiullin announced data about those who could not overcome the minimum threshold. 23 graduates have not received certificates this year, including 3 students due to disease. “Retake for graduates, who have not received a certificate, will be organized in September”, said the head of the Education Department.
538 graduates of Kazan received certificates with honors and medals “For outstanding achievements in studying”. Medals of the Republic of Tatarstan were awarded to 96 graduates.
The Mayor of Kazan also thanked parents and students for good results. “This is their great work. We raise a responsible generation, competitive, which is aimed to the success and to be and will be the best. These people will change Kazan for the best”, assured Ilsur Metshin.
“As a father, I saw that there is nothing for graduates but the exam for two years. Probably, it mobilizes and prepares children well for a specific life challenges. And they do not end after the exam and entering the university. Life constantly presents challenges”, said Ilsur Metshin. “When the time comes to the next USE, we will talk with colleagues from the Rosobrnadzor and the Ministry of Education. The severity is needed, the rules should be clear and hard for everyone to hold the exam not with a gadget, but with the knowledge that they have received. We will have to ensure it”.